Benefits of Ayurvedic Massages

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

Ayurveda is one of the oldest traditional healing systems. Rather it is one of the oldest medicine system right going up to the period of Indus valley civilization.
Authentic Ayurvedic medicines will never fail, they not only have any no side effects but also that they will treat the problem from the root level. But sadly these days there is a lot of duplication and manipulation done in this also by using plants and herbs which are toxic, or replacing it with chemicals and hence lately many people are not seeing it's benefits in the way it has to appear.

In India of what I know Sri Sri Ayurveda and Kottakkal are 2 such brands which are the genuine ones. Lately as a part of my Detox program I have been going for various Massage therapies. My Doctor advised me to go for 3 of them. Abhyangam, Potli Massage and Shirodhara.


Today I will talk about Abhyangam and Potli massage, which I completed over 2 weeks back. Trust me it was just not a complete physical relaxation, but mentally also it helped me lot. It felt like going almost in a state of trance. What I also like about going for these massages is the ambiance they create with soft yoga music and the salt lamp effect, which is so soothing and relaxing by itself. Many people believe that Massage therapies are just for leisure but I strongly disagree. They do have a lot of benefits on the overall body.

When you take a Massage therapy, the whole of Nervous system calms down and all stress gets released. It feels so light and relaxed, just feeling complete peace of mind. I almost fell asleep during the sessions. Immediately after the session I would feel a little tired and feel like going to sleep. And my therapist did advise me to go light after the session and not get involved in any heavy activity, and rest as much as possible.
The next day morning I would get up, it would be huge difference in the overall energy level.

For sure a Massage therapy has many benefits like it restores the skin elasticity, stimulates cleansing of toxins, strengthens the immune system, strengthens the joints. A steam along with the massage is also good for losing weight. The oils and the aromatic herbs used in the massage truly helps rejuvenating our entire system.

The Abhyangam massage was done by hands in synchronized movements by the therapist. In Potli massage medicinal leaves and herbs are fried and then tied up into white muslin cloth, it is then dipped into warm medicinal oil and massage of that is given all over the body. I took this massage specially for my back. After my surgery, I have become very careful with my back and on regular basis I give it some of these therapies to strengthen my spine.


After going through 3 sessions, I started observing some pain in my back, and I discussed with my Doctor, so he mentioned it is ok, it happens sometime when the body is in the process of healing and repairing, and yes after 2 to 3 days the pain disappeared completely and I was feeling good with my back.

Guess it is just like, when you do exercise after a very long time, the body pains and then gradually in a couple of days it settles down.

The Potli massage is very beneficial for Joint pains, stiffness, swelling, muscular pain, spondylosis, sprains, cramps and it is also a anti-ageing therapy.

I would advise any day to go in for these massage therapy rather then using expensive cosmetics and therapies to keep up with your ageing body.

Now the next I have to do is the Detox therapy which has some multiple therapies in it including a diet regime. My Doctor will be discussing with me in this coming week and then I need to decide on the dates I want to start. So let's see how it goes.

I will also write about the Shirodhara in my next blog.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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