Why are men more prone to not wearing a mask?

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

To protect yourself from coronavirus infection, and to protect others in the vicinity from infection, wearing a mask is very important. Following the path shown by many other countries in the world, Bangladesh has also recently issued a notification making it mandatory to wear a mask in 11 cases. In the current situation, even outside the house or in any public meeting, even if someone in the house has symptoms of coronavirus, everyone in the family should use a mask.

The reason why wearing a mask is so important is easily understood. Already 15 million people worldwide have been infected with Covid-19 disease, and more than six million people have died. But even then, the frustration is that many people still do not realize the need to wear a mask, and do not wear a mask at all. Other personal protective equipment (PPE) or personal protective equipment is far away.

Studies have shown that men are more likely than women not to wear masks. However, in the countries where death data is available due to Covid-19 infection, the number of dead men is higher in most of them. And it is important to note that this tendency of men not to protect themselves was evident in the various epidemics that preceded history.

So the question naturally arises, what is the reason behind such mentality of a large part of men around the world? Why don't they want to protect themselves by wearing masks, PPE etc.?

The pride and arrogance of men

Valerio Caparo, a senior lecturer in economics at Middlesex University, and Helen Barcelo, a Canadian mathematician at the Mathematical Science Research Institute in Berkeley, recently conducted an analytical study on men's behavior.

The two educators conducted a survey of 2,459 participants in the United States and found that men are not only less interested in wearing masks than women, but also find wearing masks 'shameful', 'uncomfortable' and 'a sign of weakness'. Dr. According to Capraro, the trend is even greater in countries where it is not mandatory to cover one's face during a coronary epidemic.

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