There are eight stages of our mental development from birth to death

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

The main difference between humans and other creatures on earth is intelligence. It is with this intellect that we have been able to establish our authority in the world. The way we develop mentally and physically from birth is different from all other animals. Notice that there is no difference between a newborn human baby and any other newborn animal. All animals become helpless and dependent after birth. They have to depend on their parents for food and security.

However, as children get older, they become more self-reliant. As they grow, they learn new techniques. This is the only place where exceptions to human growth occur. As a newborn human baby grows older, so does physical growth. Their mental development tends to happen at a faster rate with age. Humans are the most intelligent animals in the world because they are rarely seen among other animals.

This is our mental development, but it is not happening overnight. As we grow older, we become more mature emotionally. Psychologist Eric Erickson has divided this mental evolution of mankind into eight stages. Ericsson's theory of mental evolution provides an excellent explanation of how we have shaped ourselves as we age since we were born. Today we will discuss the eight steps mentioned in this theory.

Step 1: Belief and disbelief

Second step: individual freedom, shame and doubt

Step 3: Initiative and guilt

Fourth step: efficiency and inferiority complex

Step 5: Personal identity and confusion

Step 6: Intimacy and isolation

Step 7: Generationality and stagnation

Step 8: Perfection and despair

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