The California Redwood Tree surpasses all other heights in the wild

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

Our world is a treasure trove of biodiversity. From the beginning of creation to the present day, more than 6 lakh species of living beings have made their existence known in the world. For centuries, the earth's sky has been buzzing with the vibrations of these aquatic creatures. The beacon of life is being carried from generation to generation. If a sequence of sizes and heights was created among these millions of creatures, whose name do you think would come first?

Many will talk about dinosaurs. This answer will not be a mistake. Fossils of a species of dinosaur called Sauroposidon have been found that are about 55 feet long. But there are taller animals than sauroposides. And we don't have to go back to prehistoric times to find that creature. That animal survives in the present world. And that is the blue whale of the sea. They are about 96 feet long.Although they are the first in the history of the animal kingdom, they are not the longest members in the entire animal kingdom. It should not be forgotten that there are many species of plants as well as animals in the animal kingdom. The plant has a member whose height is more than 300 feet. The tallest member ever calculated is about 360.1 feet high. That is, 6 Sauroposaidon or 3 blue whales can stand on top of each other and be equal in height. And the name of this tallest member is 'California Redwood Tree'.


★Exactly how high?

California redwood is one of the three redwood species in the world. The other two are Sierra and Japanese Redwood. Many people call California Redwood as Coast or Coastal Redwood. It is basically a coniferous fruit-bearing nude tree. The main reason for naming them Coastal is their location near a beach in southwestern California, USA. However, they are born at an altitude of about 1 thousand meters above sea level.Their scientific name is Sequoia sempervirens. In honor of Sequoia, the ancestor of the Cherokee language, Sequoia is named after the first part of the tree's scientific name. The tree is currently endangered by the International Biodiversity Conservation Commission.

The California redwood tree is now known as the tallest creature on earth. Their average height is about 320 feet. They are so high that you cannot see their apex from the ground. Each of them is equal to a 30 storey building. The highest redwood in the world is Hyperion. Discovered in 2006, the tree is about 360.1 feet tall. It is followed by Helios (364.3 ft), Icarus (361.2 ft) and Daedalus (363.4 ft).Their location has been kept secret to protect them from harm at the hands of humans. Their wide trunks help these tall trees to stand firmly on the ground. These trees, which grow to a height of about 26 feet, are not only the first in terms of length, but also the first in the list of average life span of the species. According to official data, the oldest Redwood is about 2,200 years old. That is, when this tree was a sapling, the earth was ruled by the Roman Empire!

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