Care and protection of pets during coronation

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

The novel coronavirus is a newly discovered virus that has spread to humans in the form of epidemics in most countries around the world. The first corona outbreak was reported in December 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. This virus infection is called Covid-19. Since the virus is a completely new type and there is no vaccine or established medical system, the governments of different countries are taking various preventive measures, including maintaining social distance.Attempts are being made to stop the spread of the virus by partial or limited lockdown somewhere.

Corona virus is a type of RNA virus. The word ‘corona’ comes from the English word ‘crown’ or ‘crown’. This virus is surrounded by a layer of lipids. This lining is surrounded by a thorn made of protein, with which the virus tries to reproduce by sticking to the receptors of animal cells. The ability of a virus to cause disease depends on the amount of virus that has entered the animal's body, as well as the animal's physical ability to resist disease, age, and so on. The dormancy of Covid-19 is 2-14 days.


But so far scientists have not been able to confirm the origin of the virus. China's health department claims that the coronavirus has spread to humans from Wuhan's wildlife market. China's Department of Livestock then collects samples from pigs, poultry, dogs and other animals. But that test found no evidence of the presence of coronavirus.

The genome sequence of the coronavirus that transmitted the virus to humans in Uhan is 6.99 percent similar to the genome sequence of the coronavirus found in bats, whereas the coronavirus found in domesticated animals is less than 6 percent. The virus is thought to have changed its nature from bats to humans through pangolins or banrui. Later it spread very rapidly from person to person through droplets of sputum, saliva or breath.But no evidence of corona infection in humans has been found from any domesticated animal.

This year, on April 5, 2020, the corona was first identified in a tiger's body at the Bronx Zoo in New York. On 22 April, the presence of coronavirus was confirmed in the bodies of 6 more tigers and lions. Also on April 22 in New York, information on corona infections in pet cats was confirmed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC.Later investigations revealed that the cat breeders and the people who looked after the tigers at the zoo were corona positive. The tiger and our domestic cat are but members of the same family (Felidae). They are susceptible to coronavirus and may show signs of disease. Dogs are less sensitive than cats.

Around 480 million dogs and about 373 million cats are domesticated worldwide. In Bangladesh, however, there are no accurate statistics. However, the number is not very low. Those who keep pets have nothing to fear. Because, corona virus does not spread from cats or dogs. But since it spreads from human to animal, the following guidelines for pets provided by the CDC and the World Animal Health Organization must be followed.

Do not allow pets to mix with any outside people or animals like other members of your family.
If an animal is sick, separate it from other animals and people in the house.
If the animal is sick, take care of it. At this time wear face mask and gloves and then wash your hands with soap.
Spray disinfectant regularly on pet habitats.
Wash hands thoroughly with hand soap after feeding and cleaning up waste.

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