Plasma Therapy: A Symbol of Trust Success or a Risk Treatment?

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

We are no longer unaware of any news that is going on for the welfare of the people and social media. There is nothing wrong with knowing too much, but the problem arises when we can no longer distinguish between right and wrong.

In this ongoing Covid-19 situation, we are all helpless today, there is no solution that is 100% successful in medical science. There have been many such bad times in the past; Some answers have been found, while others remain unanswered beyond our grasp. Unable to defend ourselves in the company of medicine, we have adopted house arrest in the hope of resisting. Medical science needs time to solve this crisis, research on the Kovid-19 virus, successful treatment and adequate time to prepare the immune system.

Meanwhile, a medical system called 'Plasma Therapy' is floating on social media and news media. ‘Plasma therapy’ or ‘convulsant plasma therapy’ is not a newly discovered solution to this covid-19 condition. This method has been associated with medicine since ancient times.

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The first Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded in 1901, centered on this 'convoluted plasma therapy'. In 1890, the German physiologist Emile von Bering and the Japanese physiologist Kitasato Shibasaburo published a discovery that turned the tide of medicine. Studies have shown that an animal with diphtheria or tetanus develops an unknown substance in its blood, which causes the animal to recover faster.At that time medicine was completely ignorant about this invisible object. Bering mentions the unknown substance as ‘antitoxin’ (which is capable of rendering diphtheria or tetanus toxins in the blood of animals useless). Many more years later, as an important part of the animal's immune system, we get its true identity.

Bering further found in his research that if the antitoxin blood of an animal that has recovered from diphtheria is given to another infected animal, the infected animal recovers faster. The discovery was quickly responded to in medicine, and there is no doubt about its success in many studies. Following this, he was nominated for the first Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Convoluted ’; Which means, a person who has just recovered from a disease. Bering's antibodies are made in the blood of a person released from an infectious disease. This is what actually cured the disease. The idea of ​​injecting these antibodies from the body of a healthy person into another patient with the same disease is our most talked about ‘plasma therapy’.

Mankind is seeing the light of hope by capitalizing on the small success of ‘plasma therapy’ in this current collapse of medical science, just as drowning people want to live by the straw. There are many 'buts' in plasma therapy. Prior to the use of effective antibiotics, Bering's plasma therapy was a symbol of confidence, even in the Spanish flu.Although the use of plasma therapy has declined since the introduction of antibiotics, medical science has had to resort to plasma therapy every time in the hope of getting rid of the epidemics of polio, Marburg and Ebola viruses.

In fact, in all cases, if this plasma therapy was the solution, then we would not have to worry. Although plasma therapy has shown success in resolving the current crisis, it has failed to become credible in medical science.

The human body's immune system is strong and intelligent enough. When a person is attacked by a specific germ, the body's immune system immediately starts working. Numerous antibodies are made in the blood against the bacterium. Antibodies start to destroy the germ. Once you have measles or chicken pox, you will never be infected again for the rest of your life; You must have heard that.This is not entirely true, of course, when germs enter your body, but the special memory cells in the blood keep the memory of the previous infection. As soon as the germ enters for the second time, antibodies appear and wreak havoc.

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