My weight loss Blog - 37 year old man, 300 lbs - 100 lbs to lose! pt 42

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

Weigh in today, week 31

Start weight - 22 stone 1 lb

Last week Weigh in - 17 stone 11.3/4lbs

Current weight - 17 stone 8.0lbs

Total Loss to date - 63.0 lbs

3.25 lbs this week! biggest weekly loss in ages - did only lose half a pound last week so i guess it evens out but if its big like that next week i will raise calories..i have cut them to 2k a day because of no lifting, some days i may have only had 1900 so on the low side, shoulder is healing well and im fairly confident i should be lifting again within a week so can go back to 2400 cals on lifting days then.

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