My weight loss Blog - 37 year old man, 300 lbs - 100 lbs to lose! pt 36

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

Weigh in today, week 30

Start weight - 22 stone 1 lb

Last week Weigh in - 17 stone 11.3/4lbs

Current weight - 17 stone 11.1/4lbs

Total Loss to date - 59.3/4 lbs

Just half a pound weight loss this week. i kinda expected it with the doctors orders not to work out for 2/3 weeks (apparently I will know when i'm ready but not before 2 weeks) Have dropped calories to 2k to try and help even things out a bit. Really looking forward to getting lifting again. Hopefully these couple of weeks of might make me get some newbie gains again.

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