Why smokers are more vulnerable to corona virus

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

In the era of Corona pandemic, people who smoke should become aware, Smoking addiction can cause corona virus infection. Smokers can get the infection early and the chances of recovery are less than that of healthy people. Smoking affects the lungs, let us tell you that this virus causes the most damage to the lungs in the body. Smoking also adversely affects a person's immunity, due to which viruses such as corona can quickly engulf such people.


There is a need to be careful even for smokers who do not see symptoms of Kovid-19, but their ability to smell has decreased and the taste has reduced while eating. People should remain in self-quarantine as soon as they feel these symptoms and consult the experts. Also, there is a need to be vigilant to those who do not smoke themselves, but when they smoke another, they are forced to take their smoke in through the breath. It is also called second hand smoking and ETS ie Environmental Tobacco Smoke.

A recent research in China suggests that corona virus infection has reached a more dangerous condition in people who had respiratory problems due to cigarette, tobacco or any other reason. This research was done on about 56 thousand corona infected people.

Based on an analysis of a database of molecule ribonucleic acid (RNA) in researchers at the University of South Carolina, US, it has been concluded that smokers' lungs may have a higher risk of contracting the virus than non-smokers. . Also, according to a study, based on the nature of the corona virus affecting the nervous system, it was claimed that smokers may be on the verge of corona virus infection.


During smoking, cigarette and hookah are held in the mouth by holding the fingers, so the infection can also enter the smoker's body through lips. Cigarettes are something that two people share among themselves. If a person is suffering from infection, then other people may be at risk of corona infection.

Spitting after consuming tobacco products also increases the risk of infection. Not only cigarettes but hookah, cigars and e-cigarettes along with other tobacco products can also spread corona virus infection.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also considered smoking as a factor of corona infection in their advisory. We are making every effort to keep ourselves healthy and safe in the event of this crisis. This is the best time to quit smoking and tobacco consumption in this direction.


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