Causes of Swollen Feet During Pregnancy and How to Overcome Them

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

When the pregnancy is getting bigger, pregnant women may experience swollen feet. This condition is fairly normal.

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In the medical world, swelling experienced by pregnant women that usually occurs in the third trimester or 7 months of gestation and above is called edema .

The following are some possible causes of swollen feet in pregnant women that can be identified:

Enlarged fetus

Launching the Super Complete Guide to Healthy Pregnancy (2010) by dr. Suwignyo Siswosuharjo, Sp.OG., M.Kes and Fitria Chakrawati, S.Sos., MM, edema or leg swelling can occur because the fetus enlarges to cause pressure in the pelvic cavity, which contains arteries and veins and spleen vessels.

Thus, the backflow will be blocked, especially when the legs are depressed and hanging, namely when sitting or standing for too long.

Fluid collects in the muscle tissue of the legs

Meanwhile, summarizes Medical News Today , edema in pregnant women can occur when excess fluid collects in muscle tissue, especially the ankles, soles of the feet, and possibly mild swelling in the hands.

This condition can be caused by several factors, such as:

  1. There is an increase in blood volume as much as 30 percent during the pregnancy process.

  2. The walls of the capillaries are thinner due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, so that the fluid from the blood vessels will exit and enter the surrounding tissue

  3. Biochemical changes in the blood that can cause fluid in the blood vessels to move to the surrounding tissue

Other causes

In addition to the normal increase in fluid production, swollen feet in pregnant women can also be affected by the following conditions:

  • Hot weather
  • Consume excess salt
  • Less potassium consumption
  • Too much caffeine consumption
  • Too much activity

How to deal with swollen feet in pregnant women

There are a number of tips or ways that can be tried to deal with swollen feet in pregnant women.
Here are some of them:

1. Choose comfortable footwear

Pregnant women should prefer to use loose shoes, at least one size larger than usual.

In addition, use shoes or footwear that are flat (without heels) to prevent the swelling from getting worse.

2. Do not force your feet to work too hard

Pregnant women should avoid walking or sitting for too long.

3. Do a foot massage

Pregnant women need to pamper themselves to the salon by doing manicures and pedicures. That way, pregnant women can enjoy a massage on the feet to relieve swollen feet.

4. Lie on the bed with your feet higher than your body

Pregnant women are also advised to lie on a comfortable mattress or sofa with their feet positioned higher than the upper part of the body.

Pregnant women can put their feet on a pile of pillows, blankets, or stick them to the wall.

5. Movement of the ankles.

Pregnant women are advised several times a day to move the ankle in a circular motion. This is good for optimal blood circulation.

Take a walk for a few minutes to reduce leg swelling.

6. For pregnant women who work, sit with your legs raised as high as possible

This sitting option is good for preventing fluid or blood from accumulating in the legs. To be aware of, pregnant women need to be careful if they receive suggestions for taking urine-smoothing drugs with the aim of reducing swelling in the legs.

This treatment can indeed reduce swelling, but it can be very dangerous for the fetus.

It is feared that the fetus will become dehydrated or lack fluids so that it can be fatal.


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