
in blurthealth •  4 years ago  (edited)


We are all on a journey, hopefully, for the most part, it is great, full of discoveries and nice surprises, this mission at times becomes hard and even painful, others it should be easy going - one way of achieving it is by learning, learning off others and also teaching others at the same time.

We cannot control life but can steer it somewhat.

An open mind helps as well as respecting other opinions and wishes, it can be quite trying but this level of sentiment with others makes us strong inside, of course at times when we are drained or under stress this zen-like outlook and general wellbeing cannot be contained so easily with eruptions from that very safe and sometimes guarded zone within - this is quite normal.

These very testing times that are ongoing with the Covid-19 (SARS-NcoV-2) pandemic have, for some, including myself - been a short sharp shot of reality, it does seem like a bad dream at times and when we look at the bigger picture it is - but life must go on, nonetheless.

Whilst we have all been shielding, isolating or plainly just getting on with life as best we can, other world events have taken place that has risen to demonstrations with riots too.

Governments have made efforts to counteract any of these organized events with the groups of those involved, they have tried with spying, differing sorts of technology and brute force from not only police officers batons but the use of tear gas and non-lethal (but very hurty) bullets for which retaliations have (rightly) taken place.

The world is pretty screwed up and our minds have been changed as well as general outlooks, and for many of us, our pockets - with the pockets of those on lower incomes affected the most.

This is going to be a very long journey, a total shift with our way of thinking and doing things, our interactions, relationships as well as a big, unseen coming change in normality with the most basic of things (if other humans are even close by).

The main thing is we are all still here, whilst we are here, thriving and surviving don’t forget others around us who still need us even in a wider sense to just feel normal.

We must not lose touch of our inert human nature, the consideration of others as well as looking after ourselves, if we cannot care for ourselves, we cannot care for others close to us as well as the wider community.

Be safe out there.

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