Is there going to be a war? Ongoing COVID19 Pandemic

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


Is there going to be a war?

It is now the fact that the U.K. now has the worst death rates (cue Jeremy Clarkson voiceover) "in the world" from SARS-nCoV-2 (COVID19) related deaths.

The already built and up and operating ‘Nightingale’ regional ‘hospitals’ with attached super-morgues are all now on ‘Bikini-Amber’ alert - my neighbour is a sister for the local NHS and has shown me pictures of one locally she visited - scary and ver real stuff for sure.

So why has this novel Coronavirus screwed up not only the U.K. but pretty much every country “in the world”?

SARS-nCoV-2 which stands for ‘Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 2’ is a Virus that can turn into COVID-19 - which stands for Coronavirus Disease 2019.

Did you notice the ‘2’ at the end of the virus?

SARS-nCoV first showed itself in with an initial outbreak spitting out of Foshan, Guangdong, China on the 16th of November 2003 with a major outbreak period of around 8 months, it caused over 774 deaths in Asia and some over the rest of the world with a total confirmed cases of 8098.

Zoonotic in nature (being a pathogen that transferred over from the animal kingdom into humans to be transmissible initially affected those in the catering industry as well as farmers and vendors, when these were admitted to hospitals many healthcare workers were affected and excruciating deaths happened for too many who caught the pathogen when only trying to help others.

So where did SARS-nCoV come from and how did it strike so many?

It is thought that the virus originated from some sort of animal (Zoonotic in nature) , possibly a bat that would have been in contact with another animal which the infection ‘jumped’ from, the type of animal does not need to be the same for this to occur and would have been a very very slim chance of even occurring naturally (in nature) but the odds have been and still is being escalated, jumped up due to humans in these "wet markets" keeping many different species of animals in very close proximity with each other, exposing the animals when others are killed and prepared to be cooked, with unclean conditions, urine and faeces as well as blood and guts - in these market places customers can buy a myriad of species, some endangered with the authorities turning a blind eye and the vendors using traditional medicines as an excuse as well as trusty old bribes.

Death rates after contracting the original SARS are high, not many survive it - this in part many due to the fact it is a ‘Novel Coronavirus’, this means that is has never been detected in humans before and as such, human beings have absolutely no immune system defence to it, the virus takes hold so quickly normally causing bi-lateral pneumonia and other complications with various internal organ inflammation - our bodies simply cannot fight the infection quickly enough, if at all, and by the time the virus takes hold, after a couple of weeks to a month, most die (from the dead cells, phlegm and other broken down material blocking air sacs in the lungs (Alveoli) causing an ever-rising oxygen depletion, then suffocation, in most cases a fluid build up in the lungs causes death.

Thankfully, since 2004 no new cases of SARS have been reported. There was a second smaller outbreak that was linked to a medical laboratory where a member of staff was thought to have come into contact with a sample of the virus - it is still out there in Petri dishes and under ice/liquid nitrogen in labs all over the world…

Fast forward 13 years and we are now - here experiencing a global pandemic of SARS, but not the original ‘version’.

SARS-nCoV-2 is a genetically modified adaption of the original SARS from the outbreak as above, this time it seemingly has been modified and this can be seen through the markers in the RNA, DNA for viruses. The string ‘helix’ markers are 32 kilobases long, this is exceptionally long for a virus and a HIV strain seems to have been injected into this genetic code, oddly.

The way the virus infects many but kills just 5-7%, depending on what numbers from what health (or government) you believe, this is vastly different to the original SARS. The problem now seems to be those who have gotten the virus, show no immediate symptoms but do have longer-term effects with lethargy both physically and mentally.

I believe I contracted it in December 2019 and have never felt so tired as I do now, I am normally very healthy and active, now most things are hard work with a broken body and no energy.

There are many being tested in the UK now, a majority who test positive show no symptoms (asymptomatic), back in March is was 50% or those tested, now it is above 75% - none of the numbers can be taken as legit as they are so skewed but one thing for sure is that most people tested are seemingly fine, in fact they have less of a chance of spreading the infection as they are not sneezing and coughing all over the place.

It is terrible that some of those infected die, but the vast majority of these have pre-existing medical conditions and those with immune-deficiency complications are most at risk.

What we are not getting are the real numbers of deaths and a locked-down world with commerce, relationships, support and general well being taken away from us as well as our privacy being invaded - there is a general disdain as well as ongoing damage to the world people with of course those at the lower end of the earnings spectrum suffering the most, and those at the top getting richer.

This will not be accepted forever, there are already protests and demonstrations that are mainly being hidden away from mass media but we can see the effects in our high streets and boulevards with closing shops, this goes beyond the front-facing shops to clubs, pub, charity organisations and more suffering immensely, some destined to close up shop forever, many have already

China seems to be upping its military ante with movements in the east pacific outlying islands as well as land masses close to Russia, I fear this will visit close to home with civil unrest if the possible war does not come sooner.

We cannot rely on our governments as they only look after themselves yet they flaunt laws all the time, brought to light where they can be by social media and news hawks.

Then there is Trump who refused to wear a mask, got COVID19 and is now publicly shouting “China Will pay for this” even louder than he was before, whether this is with embargoes or warheads, no one can really say, and in this day and age with crisis escalating so quickly, I dunno, it’s just plain crazy.

Let’s hope for the best, huh? Live your life to the best of your ability and be at one with each other, not forgetting those closest to you and those in need.

What do you think is going to be the next chapter in all of this?

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