How is your level of empathy?

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


A certain former salesperson of a large warehouse, who is now a sales director, comments:

"When I started my career behind the counter I suffered a lot with the rude manners of the buyers: but one day came when a lady began to pester me, which occurred to me to think:" Poor lady! Surely she had a bad day and wants to take it out on me ... "The lady must have felt my change in attitude towards her, as she began to smile and even apologized.
Since then I have always tried to go beyond the facade that people present and guess how they feel. It's amazing how much nicer other people are to me and how much nicer I am to them

In this case, the ex-saleswoman had made use of "Empathy", increasing her understanding of other people and making them enjoy her treatment of them.

Empathy is the ability to appreciate the feelings of another person without letting our emotions come into play to the point that they affect our judgment.
It serves to sharpen our perception in countless situations in our daily life. It is a state of mind susceptible to humanistic development and refinement.

Our most serious mistake in dealing with others is not giving enough importance to their feelings.

"Empathy" and "sympathy" are related, but while the latter says: "I feel like you", empathy says: "I know what you feel."

Empathy allows us to use our heads instead of our hearts. When one feels sorry for the misfortune that another suffers, he absorbs and reflects part of that suffering. The anxiety we experience can add to the misery of the other. But when we use empathy, we bring an intimate insight into the situation that infinitely relieves the person who is suffering.

Personal Experience

Recently I could notice how a person, with whom I had an unpleasant situation in the past, joined my circle of friends and colleagues.
This person managed to stand out due to his faculties and knowledge.
I must confess that at first I was dismayed to see how this person was received by my peers despite the fact that in the past he had made harmful comments (lacking empathy) towards me. But at that moment, I had to imagine how that person could have felt when he acted badly, perhaps without having done the proper investigation of the facts or perhaps he was only carried away by his own impetus.

Once I achieved this degree of perception, I had the ability to understand and appreciate things from another perspective



We all naturally practice empathy without knowing it. Otherwise, we would find ourselves totally isolated from the rest of the world. We would be psychopaths.

The trick is to use force consciously knowing that other people will always want to share with us some signal about their state of mind, as long as we manage to get in tune with the feelings that inspire their words and actions.

Our recognition of their feelings, thanks to empathy, prevents us from getting hurt in our feelings.

The learning necessary to use empathy requires patience.
It is necessary to always bear in mind that empathy will be effective as long as we stand apart and acknowledge the feelings of another person without participating in them.

The effort is, however, compensatory.




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