How the system behind this fake pandemic works.

in blurthealth •  3 years ago 


In the current time, which is characterized by scaremongering and constraints, one quickly gets the feeling that one is powerless and afraid of the future. What will happen next? What else do the driving forces behind this fictional pandemic want us to do? Perhaps some of you will be able to change their previous perspective in this exceptional situation.

At this point, let's just go into "The System". As I'm sure many have noticed, this global system tends to twist everything, truth and lies, right and wrong, reality and fake, the entire nature of man. This system was designed to make YOU feel exactly the way you feel right now! The system wants you to believe that you are a nutcase, a paranoid, a denier, a conspiracy theorist, or anything else bad, when in fact we all know that you are not.

Supposed "facts" and "sciences" adapted to the system are twisted and leaked or simply concealed so that one gets the impression that the lie becomes the truth. Any surveys are conducted or not, perhaps even invented, so that one thinks that one is all alone with one's opinion and does not dare to openly express these views disagreeable to the system for fear of reprisals in the midst of an "alleged majority".🤫


Now some of you are probably saying something like: "Yes, but everyone knows people who still believe in the system, our government and our health care system". Because this is indeed the case, many will therefore ask themselves: "Why is this the case at all?🤔

The mind of man is complex, but once you have it figured out, it is also quite easy to break. You allow only one opinion in the beginning, now repeat the lie often enough and convince people that all other opinions are from madmen. Give them again and again a few glimmers of hope, which don't even have to prove true, confuse them by changing and contradictory measures, then the confused and tired mind will question nothing more!

So if you think that the supporters of the mainstream are the vast majority and that you are simply powerless, then let's just take a look at the official figures. According to official figures, there are about 7.89 billion people in the world and about 3.77 billion are fully vaccinated, which means that over 4 billion people are NOT vaccinated! THAT is the majority, and exactly those are called "small minority of nutcases" by a system that has less people on its side, but more "media resources" for public misrepresentation and influence on citizens who became victims of the state media of their country!


More than 4 billion people are still holding on to their freedom and fighting for it after lockdowns, harassment, defamation, coercion and much more! In addition, the resentment of those who have already had a vaccination is also growing, because they feel the coercion, they have been lied to, some of them have had negative experiences with the vaccines and despite all the sacrifices they have made, there is simply no end in sight.

Now internalize this, We, the freedom lovers are the majority in the world! You can also share this message with others, so that they do not fall for the media parallel reality and do not lose courage. Always think of the following, even if the system media want to suggest something else to you for said reasons.

1: You are not alone!

2: It is definitely "not" (!) the majorities who believe in the government and who agree to it all!

3: You must have patience, because as many of us just realize there are and will be with the time more and more people who are against this system and its measures, because you can hardly move an independently thinking person to become again an obedient puppet of the media!


So if you get the feeling that you are alone or powerless, then be aware that you "are not"! You only should not be aware of this fact and your possibilities, that is the whole secret of the power of this system, so it always ran. You give the evil power over you, of which you think that it has it anyway, what is however past in the moment in which you are conscious of it.

Perhaps now you understand why in every dictatorship it is the fear-mongers who fear the most of all, namely the day when the citizens lose their fear and rise up together against the oppressors.

It is precisely this unstoppable trend that has already been set in motion, and it is their knowledge of the end of this story that has those behind this fake pandemic and the totalitarian measures lashing out before it ends.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good post, sir !

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
