Why do we get a fever and what is the general malaise it causes? Get the answer in this post ...

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

The first thing you should know is that the normal body temperature is between 36.5 and 37.5°C, and that the body uses multiple strategies to stay between these values ​​to achieve homeostasis.
I must define the following term: "HOMEOSTASIS".



Very simple, it is a state of equilibrium, whose equilibrium does not mean that everything is not moving, but rather in constant movement (a dynamic equilibrium) in which the same quantity that enters is the one that comes out, so that permanently they remain the constant values. That is, if the body produces heat and the temperature rises to 38 ° C, in the same way you must eliminate that heat to be able to stabilize and stay within the range considered normal (between 36.5 and 37.5 ° C), where you can perform all its functions in a harmonic way.


Then, if the temperature rises above 37.5 ° C, the muscles and other organs are working in an environment that does not meet the right conditions for its proper functioning and all the "cellular machinery" "It does not act efficiently, causing a general sense of malaise.

I will give you an example to be understood in an easier way:
Our body is made up of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, each of our cells have these components in their structure, it is the same thing that makes up beef, pork, any other animal. If we start to see, when we cook any type of meat (which we subject to high temperatures), they lose their original structure, softening, deforming, dehydrating, and once cooked is not possible to return to fulfill some vital function, because They were already denatured by cooking.

Well, this is seeing it with very high temperatures, but in our case, when we get a fever, it affects in the same way but in a lesser proportion to our muscles and organs, causing them not to work properly, that they work forced, that they produce more metabolic waste. the normal (in turn, this only causes discomfort), and generates pain, in fact it can hurt our eyes, why ?, behind the eyes we have muscles that are responsible for eye movements, these are affected also.



We have increases in water losses when the temperature rises (due to sweating and perspiration), that's why we become dehydrated ... have you not wondered why you urinate less when you have a fever? That is the reason.

Now, why do we lose water? I told you at the beginning that the body uses multiple strategies to maintain normal temperature values, the loss of water is one of them, as the water we have in our body evaporates, it takes away heat, and this helps to reduce it fever. That is why it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, to avoid dehydration, and also to bathe, because it takes more heat from the body and fever goes down faster. The same reason for the application of wet cloths.



We really like a well-seasoned soup when we have a fever ... have you asked yourself the reason? I explain it to you, when we become dehydrated, we not only lose water, we also lose electrolytes (sodium, chlorine, potassium), chemical elements that exist in our body and are necessary for everything to work as it should be. The soup, well seasoned, helps us to replenish all those electrolytes, there is their help in the improvement of the symptoms caused by fever.

I hope it is clear, or at least leave a good notion of why it generates discomfort in the body when we get a fever and also some tips with their respective justification to improve quickly.


But of so many things that I have said, I have not yet explained because it gives us a fever. It is a very complex process, like everything that has to do with the cellular function in our body, I will try to explain it in a simple way:

Take as a point of reference an air conditioner, we adjust the temperature we want to 21 ° C, this has a thermostat (it is the device that is responsible for maintaining the temperature determined: 21 ° C), as we have been able to realize, the airs have an operation in which the compressor turns off and on constantly, these are the periods in which the air cools to condition the space and then when it reaches the desired temperature the compressor shuts down, when it perceives that the temperature is going up above the programmed, the thermostat perceives it and returns to turn on the compressor, to balance. Well, this is homeostasis, "dynamic equilibrium".

Do you finish understanding the concept with this example? Hope so.

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In the body we have a thermostat, a regulating center of the body temperature, which works in a similar way to the air conditioning, this is located in the hypothalamus, and this in turn in the lower part of the brain, and it is the one that It is responsible for maintaining the temperature at these normal values, activating or deactivating mechanisms to release heat or to produce it.

When we get sick, by some virus, bacteria or parasite, the "body thermostat goes out of control", and elevates what it considers normal temperature, to a few degrees centigrade higher, this does the body or crazy, as we say out there, but in order to eliminate the intruder with a higher temperature, it is a defense mechanism that our wise body uses to eradicate the infectious agent.

For now it has been everything, I hope I have clarified some doubts.

Any questions or suggestions will be welcome.


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