Tea to cure all heart related problems.

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

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There is no tea that strengthens the mind and body. This is why a cup of tea in the morning or in the afternoon is a daily routine for many. Most people drink more tea than this. However, drinking too much tea is not good at all.
Surprisingly, Chinese researchers say that drinking tea is not only refreshing but also heartwarming. Professor and lead researcher in the Department of Chronic Disease at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College. Jinian Wang provided details. The study was conducted for seven years and three months.

He said people who drank tea regularly had heart problems. In addition, the risk of deadly diseases is greatly reduced. Published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. Regarding the benefits of drinking tea in this study, Wang went on to say that those who drank green tea and did not drink tea for a long time benefited the most.

The study was conducted on 1 lakh 902 participants. All were suffering from heart disease, stroke or cancer. Participants in the study were divided into two groups. Get used to drinking tea (at least three or more cups a week) and never or occasionally drink tea (less than three cups a week).

Studies have found that people who drink tea have a 57 percent lower risk of heart disease and stroke than those who do not. The risk of heart disease and stroke is reduced by 39 percent. And the risk of life-threatening illnesses is reduced by 29 percent. The reason why drinking tea is so beneficial-

The best source of flavonoids is tea. Especially you can drink green tea.

Tea contains a variety of organic substances, including epicatechin and catechins, that are good for the body.

Tea ‘oxidative stress’, reduces inflammation and maintains a layer of excess cell within the skeletal muscle and heart muscle that is well made of cells.

Those who drink green tea have a 25 percent lower risk of heart disease, stroke and other illnesses, including death. However, no such benefits have been recognized in the case of black tea or other tea.

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