Home Remedies for Burnt Skin

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

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The skin can be burned for a variety of reasons. Many times while cooking or drinking tea or coffee or doing household chores, any part of the body can burn. In this case, it is important to take treatment immediately without delay. Because many times even a small burn can cause infection. There are several ways to treat burns at home.
If any part of the body is burnt, immediately pour cold water over the injured area. Cold water should be given there for at least 20 minutes. Then clean the area.
If you have an aloe vera tree at home, you can tear its leaves off and apply its gel to the wound. Then you will feel more comfortable.
You can also apply existing creams to the burnt skin immediately.
Applying honey to hot skin works well. With this, if the skin is hot, you can add honey immediately. This is because honey contains beneficial ingredients in fighting fungus for wound healing.

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