Herbal Stone Crushing.

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


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Patharkuchi is a well-known medicinal plant. A variety of medicinal plants have been used medicinally since ancient times. Notice the middle stone tree.

Patharkuchi is six feet [6 m] high. The leaves are fleshy and smooth, egg-like. There are small round shacks around it. In this area new seedlings are born. Most of the time when the tree is old, the seedlings grow from the tree trunk. Seedlings can be easily obtained by leaving leaves in the ground. Stones grow easily in the soil, but they grow quickly in wet, moist areas. It looks like a candle. Empty inside. The flowers are one to one and a half inches long. The flower has green, red and white spots on the outside. Winter flowers and summer fruit.

Remedies: Contains properties for measles, mumps, urinary incontinence, hemoptysis, bloating, abdominal pain in children, epilepsy. Let us know some of the qualities of the leaves of Patharkuchi.

It's cold

This is especially helpful in cases of extreme cold. For this cough, you should heat it slightly by pressing the crushed leaves and mixing them with a little sohagar khai while it is hot. Take 250 mg with three tablespoons. It should be taken twice a day in the morning and afternoon in two tablespoons. This will cure the old cold and always relieve cough.

Cholera, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea

There is no cure for cholera, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea. 3 ml Combine 3 grams of cumin with 6 grams of ghee and Patharkuchi leaf juice and eat for a few days.

If it is cut or crushed

Fresh leaves can be burned at a moderate temperature and the leaves can be cut or dried.

Abdominal bloating

Most people have swollen stomachs, urinary retention, shortness of breath, not fertilization, in which case one or two teaspoons of crushed stone juice with a little sugar should be warmed up and mixed with a quarter cup of water. This will make urine easier, will also reduce dehydration, and reduce humidity.

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