Why eat eggs

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


Eggs are a natural food rich in nutrients. It is also called the power house of protein and nutrients. From children to the elderly, eggs are a very delicacy for all ages. It is said, ‘If you want to stay healthy, eat one egg every day’.

A large egg weighs about 50 grams. The nutrients found in a boiled egg and their function in the body are discussed:
Calories: An egg usually contains 8 calories. Eggs provide energy for a long time and reduce appetite. So it is important to keep eggs in the diet for weight control. An egg for breakfast helps to meet the nutritional needs of the whole day.

Protein: An egg contains about 7.3 grams of high quality protein. Egg protein is easily absorbed by the body. Protein is essential for the formation and replenishment of the body. In addition, the protein helps in the reconstruction of various organs, skin, hair and various tissues of the body.

Iron: The iron found in eggs is easily absorbed by the body. This iron provides oxygen to various cells in the body and helps to alleviate iron deficiency anemia.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A is found in eggs. This vitamin A promotes the healing of skin and eye cells. That helps prevent night blindness.
Vitamin D: Eggs are a good source of vitamin D. Vitamin D makes bones and teeth healthy and strong. Some help prevent cancer cells and increase immunity.

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