Children can also have heart disease

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

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It's not just adults who have heart disease. Children can also have heart disease. Congenitally, children may have heart problems, narrowing of blood vessels, narrowing of blood vessel valves and other complex problems. Even after birth, the baby may have a heart infection or some genetic problem. These are postpartum problems. Parents' awareness of children's heart disease can prevent many horrible complications. Advanced treatment of these diseases now exists in the country.
Symptoms of congenital heart disease
Shortness of breath or blue at birth.

Breathing while pulling mother's milk. Leave a little milk and rest and eat again.

Sweating on the forehead while drinking milk.

Frequent colds, coughs or pneumonia, which often lead to hospitalization, but do not completely cure the disease. There is always a problem.

The baby weighs less or does not gain weight.

Chest palpitations or chest pain.

Baby's lips, tongue, skin turning blue.

If the child is on his knees while panting while running, his body becomes blue or suddenly becomes unconscious.

Treatment of perforations in the heart of children and other congenital heart diseases may require treatment with drugs, instruments or balloons, if necessary.
Coronary heart disease in children
It is assumed that coronary heart disease is not as dangerous in children. But after coronavirus infection, some children are suffering from a rare disease called MISC (Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome). This disease is similar to Kawasaki Disease. Children and adolescents from birth to 21 years can be affected by this disease. In that case, the parents of the children who are currently being affected should be aware of this.

High fever lasts for two to three days. At this time the skin becomes reddish; Reddening of eyes, lips and tongue; Abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, chest pain, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure and loss of consciousness; Shortness of breath, decreased oxygen levels in the body, discoloration of the body and a slight bluish tinge — be careful if these symptoms occur with fever during the Corona epidemic.

Severe complications can be prevented if MISC is identified and treated within five to seven days. This is because most children with MISC have larger blood vessels in their heart. With timely treatment, permanent changes in the blood vessels (swelling, thinning or clotting of the blood vessels) can be prevented.
A three-month-old baby was diagnosed with MISC in Bangladesh on May 15. Two reports on children with the disease have already been published in the Singapore Journal of Cardiology. Observations have shown that children with MISC who received treatment within seven days of illness had significantly lower postoperative complications. In that case follow-up of these children is very important.

Children do not have corona or even complications - everyone should come out of this idea and try their best to protect children from corona infection. All children over the age of two must wear a mask outside the home. Social distance must be maintained. The child should be kept away from people infected with covid. Avoid crowds. Avoid going to markets, public gatherings, festivals, hospitals with children as much as possible. Hands should be disinfected repeatedly with soapy water or sanitizer. Children and baby clothes, toys and the surrounding environment should be kept clean and tidy. If the mother is infected with coronavirus, breastfeed and care for the baby after wearing a mask and shield.

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