in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

I have always had Acid Reflux or better said GERD, but lately I had several bad bouts of it. Of course the main reason I think is that I usually eat just before I go to try to sleep and once I do sleep I wake up constantly to get some more food. Some nights it just explodes and I get a continual cough because the acid is playing havoc with me, I usually vomit which decreases the symptoms but in any case I lose my sleep and the next day I am useless.

Well this is what I have been thinking all of this year and I do believe that is what was happening, but the last time I suffered from this night attacks was horrible I really felt bad but the following night I felt so tired I slept for a long time and woke up feeling great. But in the afternoon I had diarrhea, and have had it for the last three days. Now that is one thing I don't get very often and again it didn't worry me.

But night before last my daughter had a low fever, headache, her nose was stopped and she couldn't breathe, and to top it up she had anxiety, I had to stay up until nearly dawn with her. Yesterday she spent all day in bed, today she feels better except she says she has some trouble breathing. And yesterday my son told me he also has diarrhea.

This would not have made me think normally but today I looked up the symptoms for COVID-19 and they actually do match up with all we have, I wonder if we haven't had this virus, if this is so I think we caught it mildly which would be a blessing, because frankly the government health system is lacking and a private hospital charges incredible amounts of money.

So, does anyone here have any experience with COVID and can they tell me if what I had could be this virus? By the way I don't even trust the government tests, it seems only half of them work, so I am not going to be tested, this is Honduras and you have to question everything.

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