The role of Lau in the health aspect of our body

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

Hello friends, how are you all? I hope you are well. Today I will discuss with you how important role Lau plays in our body.

Many people think that there is nothing but water in vegetables. But it is a misconception. Although it contains a lot of water, it is a very nutritious vegetable. It can be a very useful vegetable for you on summer days.
A laurel is 98 percent water - so on a hot day this vegetable fills our body with dehydration. The calorie value is not high, so it does not increase body weight. 100 grams of lau has a total of 15 calories, but there is a lot of fiber. There are also minerals and vitamins. It is good for the intestines as it has more water and fiber, reduces constipation. Gourd increases the amount of urine and is beneficial for the urinary tract. As it is alkaline, it reduces the acidity of urine and also reduces the inflammation of urine. In addition, water and vitamins keep our skin fresh and reduce hair loss. Low calorie food is the ideal vegetable for diabetics, heart disease and obesity. It contains sufficient folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin A and calcium. As a hot food, laurel is highly valued in tropical areas including India, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Thanks for Visiting My Blog.
Regards @frank2sataine

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