in blurthealth •  3 years ago 

Hi Everyone! Welcome all of you to my blog. Praying to God that we all have a happy and prosperous life. And may the new year be better for us.


Health is a valuable wealth. Health is considered at the first palace in the matter of importancy. We know quite well that " A sound mind lives in a sound body." In other words, physical health is essential even for mental health and balance. To make ourselves healthy, it is necessary to keep our teeth healthy. And it is very important to pay close attention to its cleanliness. Because in cleanliness lies healthy. Teeth are a priceless gift of God. Food is an essential material for us to survive. It is the most beneficial conductor of life. Teeth play an important role in making any food tasty and beneficial. Because if we eat any food and do not chew it properly, then it can be harmful for the stomach, otherwise digestion can get worse.

  1. After eating food, it is necessary to clean the teeth with datun or any other cleaning means. So that the dirty in the teeth can be cleaned and the teeth can be protected.

  2. for cleaning the teeth, it is necessary to use Colgate and Davar Dant Lal Manjan. Davar Lal Dant Manjan is very beneficial and beneficial for the teeth. It strengthens the teeth and prevents worms.


  1. Whenever a man wakes up from sleep, first of all, brush his teeth. So that in the state of sleep, they can remove the odor produced in the mouth and be able to protect the teeth properly.

  2. A man should brush on his teeth or with cleaning means at least five times a day and night to keep his teeth strong and healthy. Those times are like this. (i) at that time, when waking up from sleep. (ii) After eating food every time. (iii) before Worship and praying of God . (iv) at that time, while entering the house from outside. (v) And at the time of sleeping also, one should sleep after cleaning the teeth.

  3. Drink plenty of water, this is a natural mouthwash that keeps the mouth clean from time to time. By doing this, the stains of tea-coffee or other food items do not settle on the teeth, but it gets removed. Make sure that you have enough fruits in your diet, fruits contain many types of enzymes and other essential elements, which clean the teeth in a natural way.

  4. Use of brush: Use only a soft brush for brushing. Even while brushing, keep in mind that do not rub the teeth, just brush them with light hands.


  1. Tita Miswak must be used to keep the teeth safe from worms or rotting. Especially use neem miswak, as it is called in india.


  1. Cleaning the tongue, cleaning the tongue is also very important. If the tongue remains dirty, then bacteria can grow on it. Which is also the cause of bad breath. Due to which the teeth can be damaged. Therefore, cleaning the tongue is also very important for the protection of the teeth.

In the end, we pray to God to give strength to all mankind to safeguard this precious gift. It is a sincere request to the members of the Blurt-family, that all of you will read this article carefully and do the work of providing energy to encourage me. Thank you!


By yours faithfully @firdaus1998

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Thank you 🙂 @tomoyan