The benefits of eucalyptus are immense especially in times of pandemic

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 



Eucalyptus offers us a great number of benefits for our health.

The use of eucalyptus as a medicinal plant is recommended for those diseases that affect the respiratory tract such as influenza, asthma, or colds.

The medicinal applications of this tree are used, especially its leaves, for having three important properties: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and expectorant.

In the case of anti-inflammatory, by reducing inflammation, it facilitates breathing.

With respect to its antimicrobial capacity, with its use, it is possible to put an end to those microorganisms -mainly microbes and bacteria- that cause infectious processes in the respiratory tract such as bronchitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, and constipation.

Finally, its expectorant properties come from the leaves of eucalyptus. They are very odorous and rich in an essential oil whose main component is eucalyptol. This component is a powerful mucolytic that fluidizes the pulmonary secretions and favors their expulsion.



Colds and respiratory ailments

Eucalyptus, whether in tablets, infusion, or honey or in essential oil, is commonly used for the relief of symptoms of the common cold.

In addition, eucalyptus vapor has decongestant effects when inhaled, making it a known remedy for colds and bronchitis.

Although there are pharmacological preparations with expectorant effects made from eucalyptus, both dry leaves, and essential oils can be used which, mixed with very hot water, secrete beneficial vapors for the treatment of these conditions.

At the same time, it is antitussive and an inhibitor of bronchial irritation, which is why its application is recommended in diseases such as acute and chronic bronchitis.

Another of the unknown properties of eucalyptus is that of being hypoglycemic, that is, it reduces blood sugar levels, which is why, sometimes and under medical control, it is used as an adjuvant in antidiabetic treatment.

Due to its antiseptic properties, eucalyptus essential oil can also be used topically, i.e. on the skin, to heal, for example, slight cuts, scratches, or wounds, since, in addition to disinfecting in-depth, it favors the healing process of the same and prevents unsightly marks or scars.

Other applications of eucalyptus would be:

Inflammatory processes of the gums and causes of gingivitis. To achieve this, cotton or gauze soaked with eucalyptus oil should be passed over the gums.



Blackheads and acne. Applying on the granites improves their appearance, makes it take less time to disappear, and prevents marks on the skin.

After and buccal sores. If you have a sore or thrush can be rinsed with eucalyptus oil to disappear as soon as possible.

Bad breath. Following the same method as the previous point, you can stop bad breath, although you have to take into account the reason that is causing the bad smell, because if it is a gastric problem you should go to the doctor.

Herpes. Herpes is very common in some people and appears after a drop in defenses, for example, to help their healing is best several times a day pass a gauze with eucalyptus oil on herpes, you will notice how it takes less time to heal.

Eucalyptol also has anti-rheumatic properties, so it can be applied externally to palliate cases of arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other types of muscle pain, as massaging the area helps to reduce pain and reduce the inflammatory process.

Finally, eucalyptus oil and leaves are also present in numerous cosmetic and chemical industry products such as soaps, lotions, toothpaste, or air fresheners.
For medicinal uses, fresh leaves are used to make eucalyptus essential oil and for inhalations, and dry leaves for infusions.

Eucalyptus oil has many uses - from aromatic and insect repellents to antimicrobials or fuels. The leaves of the eucalyptus tree are steam distilled to extract the oil, which is a colorless substance with a strong, sweet, and woody aroma.

Eucalyptus has an immense amount of benefits for our health, especially in times of pandemic

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