Benefits of lemon

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 



Lemon has the reputation of being the "medical food" par excellence thanks to the many healthy properties attributed to it, from combating hypertension and cardiovascular problems to counteracting stress and fatigue or strengthening the body's defenses.
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Two varieties are basically consumed: the table or "waiter", with thinner skin, pale yellow pulp, and more juice; and the Bern, a much more wide variety, with thick skin, very intense yellow color, and oval shape.

The properties of lemon

The health properties of lemon make it an essential food. It is very rich in vitamin C: 100 ml of homemade lemon juice provides 62% of the daily needs. This vitamin is fundamental for the good state of the blood vessels and very beneficial for the health of bones, teeth, and skin.

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The vitamin C of the lemon promotes the formation of collagen that contributes to the good state of the skin and of the cartilages, and to the good healing of the wounds. It also favors the absorption of the iron that we can ingest with breakfast. On the other hand, it plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of the immune system, which prevents infections and many other diseases.

The medicinal compounds of lemon

Along with vitamin C, the lemon is loaded with phytochemicals that protect the body's cells and tissues. These substances are terpenes that multiply the antioxidant activity of vitamin C and together fight free radicals that damage cells. In this way, the lemon prevents premature aging and all kinds of diseases.

It also provides minerals (potassium, selenium, iron, and magnesium) in significant doses.

To take the lemon with water is the most suitable, in addition, because the lemon alone is too aggressive with the dental enamel. In fact, to protect it, you can drink your glass of water with lemon through a cane.

In order to increase the purifying and salutary power of your glass with lemon juice, you can scratch a little skin on it, because it is in this one where the highest concentration of limonene and other terpenes is found.

A little-known property of lemon, and also due to limonene and other terpenoids, is that it favors good humor, as it reduces stress levels and agitation.

There is a belief that lemon juice should be consumed right after squeezing it so that it does not lose vitamin C. The truth is that this vitamin is preserved in the juice squeezed quite well for several hours at room temperature.

The organic acids in the lemon also contribute to the beneficial properties of other foods. In a study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, which studied the antioxidant capacity of green tea, it was shown that, after adding a small amount of lemon juice to the drink, its antioxidant power increased greatly.

It cannot be assured that lemon alone is effective for slimming, but it is a low-calorie food (contains fewer sugars than other fruits), is depurative, and has a place in some slimming cures.

Eliminates skin blemishes

Apply an oatmeal and lemon mask to gradually lighten the spots that appear on the skin, especially on the face and hands, over the years. To prepare it, mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with half a lemon juice until a homogeneous paste is formed. It is then applied to the stains and left to act for about twenty minutes before being removed with warm water. Apply the mask three times a week until you see results.



Uses of lemon in the kitchen

It is difficult to imagine what gastronomy would be like in the Mediterranean area without the presence of this citrus fruit in the recipes.

In many recipes, the taste of lemon is not appreciated in the final result, but it is used with good sense because it enhances the aromas of the foods it accompanies and offers a very exquisite acid counterpoint.

Lemon juice is also very practical because it prevents many fresh fruits and vegetables from oxidizing. For this reason, it is ideal for seasoning any dish with cabbage, green leafy vegetables, avocados, artichokes, or mushrooms.
The preparation of dressings and marinades is one of the best ways to make the most of lemon.

For example, prepare a delicious, light dressing by mixing lemon juice and a little apple or pineapple juice, a splash of extra virgin olive oil, and some herbs - such as basil, parsley, or dill. With this dressing, you can flavor delicious salads and all kinds of dishes.

You can also combine lemon with cumin and cilantro, which are very aromatic.

Don't squeeze the lemon you just took out of the fridge, because you'll get less juice and it won't be as aromatic. Take it out a few hours before and, before squeezing it, knead it with your hands.

As for the lemon peel, it can be used to aromatize broths and soups, or finely chopped and used in sauces, sauces, and dressings.

We can benefit from the healthy properties of the lemon we have mentioned if we add it to the diet on a regular basis, albeit in small amounts, such as adding it to water as a habit every morning.

A good lemonade is always good for cooling off on a hot afternoon. Just squeeze a couple of lemons, ice, sugar, and is a drink similar to an "elixir" to combat high temperatures.

But the lemon does not only have the property to refresh you. In addition to being rich in vitamin C, the main weapon to prevent and fight colds has numerous healing properties.

1. Combats hypertension

As it contains a high potassium level and very low sodium content, it helps fight high blood pressure.

2. Good digestive

It is a great stimulant of the flow of saliva and gastric juices, qualities that make digestion easier.

3. Liver balm

Very popular for inflammations of the liver and gallbladder, as it stimulates bile secretion and helps metabolize fats quickly



4. Against the flu and colds

The world's most widely used home remedy for relieving a cold is tea with hot lemon and honey.

5. Effective antiseptic

Used to disinfect cuts, wounds, and insect bites; to relieve rashes and fight acne

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  1. Deodorant

Lemon juice can also serve as an emergency deodorant when you're done using it.

Baking soda and lemon are two commonly used ingredients in home remedies, thanks to their individual properties. However, when together they have an incredible impact on your health.

Lemon is mainly recognized for its vitamin contribution and bicarbonate is a recognized antacid, able to reduce stomach acidity, but also that of blood or urine. It is also appreciated for being a powerful deodorant, skin whitener, exfoliator, anti-wrinkle, and even ally for urticaria and oral problems.

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Sodium bicarbonate and lemon alkaline your body

By binding these ingredients together, you will balance the pH, as bicarbonate has been recognized as an alkalizer, helping your body function properly.

Sodium bicarbonate and lemon help detoxify you.

The mixture of bicarbonate with lemon acts as a catalyst for the liver to perform its purifying functions more effectively.

Sodium bicarbonate and lemon contribute to good digestion.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon in 1 glass of water and add 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
Mix well and drink on an empty stomach every morning.

As with all home remedies, it is important to do it in moderation and not to overdo it, because too much baking soda can cause damage to your health.

Also, if you are taking any medication or have had to bleed in your stomach and intestines, it is best to consult your doctor.

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