Do people die playing milk-pineapple together?

in blurthealth •  3 years ago 

Pineapple is a kind of bunch. This fruit is native to the continent of South America. However, at present it is widely cultivated in the tropics all over the world. It is a very delicate fruit. It contains vitamins A and C.
Benefits of eating pineapple:

  • Weight control: Although we are surprised to hear that pineapple helps us to lose weight. Because pineapple has a lot of fiber and a lot less fat. Its use in the morning as a pineapple or salad or pineapple juice is much healthier.

  • For bone formation: Pineapple is rich in calcium and manganese. Calcium plays a vital role in bone formation and manganese strengthens bones. It is possible to prevent any bone disease by keeping a moderate amount of pineapple in the daily food list.

  • To protect teeth and gums: Calcium in pineapple works to protect teeth. Gum plays a very effective role in solving any problem. Eating pineapple every day reduces the attack of germs on the teeth and keeps the teeth healthy.

  • Protects eye health: Various studies have shown that pineapple protects us from macular degeneration. This disease destroys the retina of our eye and we gradually become blind. Pineapple contains beta carotene. Eating pineapple every day reduces the chances of getting this disease by 30 percent. It keeps our eyes healthy.

  • Increases digestion: Pineapple is very effective in increasing our digestion. Pineapple contains bromelain, which helps improve our digestion. It is very important to eat pineapple every day to get rid of any problem of indigestion or indigestion.

  • Prevents blood clotting: This fruit prevents blood clotting in the body. As a result, blood can flow properly throughout the body to prevent blood from clotting in the walls of the arteries. The heart supplies oxygenated blood to our body. Pineapple cleanses the blood and helps the heart to function.
    On the other hand, we consider milk as a balanced food. Milk contains a lot of nutrients. Apart from calcium, milk also contains a lot of phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper and manganese. There are many benefits to drinking milk.
    Benefits of drinking milk:

  • Relieves fatigue: A glass of hot milk is very useful to relieve fatigue after work. Hot milk helps to refresh tired muscles. In addition, milk produces the hormones melatonin and tryptophan, which help to improve sleep.

  • Heart and blood pressure control: Milk contains potassium which maintains the health of heart muscle. Moreover, its minerals can also control blood pressure by keeping the heart fresh.

  • Hair nutrition: Milk is rich in fatty acids and amino acids, which are very beneficial for hair. In addition, the calcium in milk is important for teeth and bones. However, if you have hyper acidity, experts say, it is better to avoid your milk.

Now the question is what happens when milk and pineapple play together? There is a common belief that people die of poisoning when they eat pineapple and milk together. The elders of the house often forbid the children to eat this food together. But what really happens? Let's find out what happens when pineapple and milk play together.

Doctors say, ‘The idea that someone dies of poisoning by eating pineapple and milk together is wrong. These are a kind of food taboo or food superstition. ’‘ Pineapple is an acidic and sour fruit. If any sour substance is added in the milk, the milk may become churned or burst.

It also occurs in oranges and milk or in lemons and milk. Drinking too much skim milk can lead to indigestion, bloating, and upset stomach, but there is no risk of poisoning. People who have gastric problems may get worse if they eat pineapple on an empty stomach. '

If the milk is not pasteurized, the combination of raw milk and pineapple can cause reactions in the body. If pineapple is not properly mixed with milk, there is a possibility of physical problems. In this case, the same thing can happen with other foods.

‘We eat pineapple custard, dessert, pineapple smoothie, pineapple milk shake, pineapple salad, pineapple yogurt, etc. at different times. This is not a problem.

Because they have the right combination of food and are made according to the rules or the right rules. And maybe drinking a glass of milk, as well as eating pineapple is not the right diet combination. Lack of proper coordination in this case can lead to problems like thin stools, indigestion, acidity etc. However, there is no risk of death due to poisoning. 'Even then, it is better not to eat these two together.

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