Wellness- A State of Overall Healthy Living

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


When we think about health, we often consuder the physical state of our bodies, but true health is a measure of many aspects. Wellness is the state of well-being that is predicated on the maintenace of physical, mental, occupational, economic and spiritual status. This methodology can also be applied to populations at large for study.

Wellness is a measure of balance. How healthy are we at the moment is often highly weighed on our physical health status. When our physical health is in jeopardy, we often suffer mental, economic and occupational maladies as well. We have to consider all aspects of our health to make an assessment of where we stand. This can be especially relevant to populations as well.

When considering measure of economic equality, wellness is very relevant. How well can we be if we are in poverty, which leads to many health issues? We need to measure how our actions as a society affect people living in the society. What are the negative health outcomes that could arise as new industries and practices come into play? What is the cost benefit analysis of things we introduce into society?

To take a real assessment of your wellness, look at the full picture. Get a physical health examination, mental health evaluation and look at your current occupational situation. Where can you improve on these aspects? You need to be honest with yourself and look at areas of improvement. Wellness is a true look at our overall health in the world.


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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

good job bro

  ·  4 years ago  ·  
