Ulog: I Am Experiencing Improvement For My Pain Issues But It's Still A Long Process To Recovery

in blurthealth •  5 years ago 

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I've been in Cinacalcet therapy for more than two years now and it indeed made a big difference about my joint pain issues because before I was having a constant pain in my back although before I am able to walk compared to this days where i had lost the ability to walk.

Even if I can walk my knees would feel like they would dislocate at any given time plus my back would start to kill me. I had attempted to walk to the bathroom by myself. The way to there was still manageable but after using the bathroom and then going back to my room is just a pure misery in itself.

So I had promised to myself to never do that adventure again because it was so difficult and really painful and it is not worth it. That is why I had confined myself in staying put here on my bed so that I could prevent any much injury to my bones since my bones and joints are really so weak right now that any fall would deem to get me in trouble.

But now there is a bit of improvement into what i feel now with my body particularly about my pain complaints and that is comparing to the past months where I am still in a much pain.

But now the pain had been cut a bit but still I am in no position to be totally eased-up with my pain because there are still pain, so much so that I do think that I still cannot exercise my legs or walk for that matter.

So right now I am still waiting and waiting for a much improvement. If I see that I have not much pain in my body anymore then that will be the time that I have to exercise my legs so that I could put some flexibility and strength to them once again.

I am so long a time been bed-bound and it indeed had affected my muscles because I am not walking because it is just painful to walk. I am just shuffling my feet in the bathroom so that I could move my body from point A to point B and that is not even walking because of my painful feet joints.

So I am concluding that my track to recovery is still a very long process but at least I am believing that I am getting better although its slow. I am praying that my Cinacalcet therapy along with my Phosphate binder intake, careful strict dieting, and also my calcium and vitamin D3 therapy would give me dividends because it already had costed me so much money and I just wanted results.

I hope that God would continue to bless my efforts so that I could live near normal again. I just wanted to graduate from ever taking my Cincalcet because even though it had saved me from pain but it also made my life miserable by not having the ability to enjoy my foods due to its nauseating side-effects. I just wanted to feel normal in that regard and I hope that God wills it for me and I still needed prayers, all the prayers that I can get.

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