My Neighbor Had A Stroke Due To His Abuse To His Body

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 



This late afternoon after my mother went to the store to buy some stuffs here in our neighborhood she learned about the news of one of our neighbor having a stroke.

Apparently he and his friends went on a drinking session which they are doing almost twice a week if not weekly. And so the news is about him having a heart condition already but is just ignoring it.

He always just drinks with his friends and not minding his diet and lifestyle. Yesterday he and his friends was also having this crab fast as their pika-pika "finger food" with their drinks. Then after drinking he took home the leftover crab fast and ate it as a viand with rice.

He went to sleep that night and after waking up his other side of the body is paralyzed already, he a stroke! That is why with such an incident we must just learn how to mind our diet and lifestyle, basically not abusing our body because it will just back-fire on us.

Years ago my other neighbor also suffered a stroke, she is now invalid and unable to move. Her son now was the one taking care of her and it is just a very sad situation.

I am just also glad that my eldest brother had listened to my Mother because he told my mother that he was always having this terrible headache very often, having light-headedness and all that. SO he went to a doctor and right then and there he was prescribed with antihypertensives.

But my other before me was the smartest one and just turned around on how he eats. He is now doing the intermittent fasting which made him to lose some weight. It is because he was diagnosed with a heart blockage.

Then after sometime with medications that he was doing and his life-changing lifestyle that he is doing his health improved! so much so that he should be going for coronary heart procedure but it did not pushed through because tests revealed that his heart has no more blockage anymore.

That is why that brother of mine is one of my inspirations because he is able to solve something that could mean his life or death. That is why I am almost doing an intermittent fasting myself because I know that I do not need to eat three time a day and just eating if I am hungry.

I am just forced to eat twice because I have to take my Calcium supplement plus I really do not want to shed some body mass anymore as I am already emaciated and just skin and bones already.


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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

A great really important report. I am annoyed that reblurt does not work yet. It is worth to be read by many people and that they think about your words. We have been given this body and should respect it with understanding and love.

Greetings and the Best for you!
