My Laboratory Results From Yesterday

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

Lab result 2.jpg

These are the results of my Complete Blood Count (CBC) and Potassium levels. As we can see I have a low amount of Hemoglobin in my blood. Hemoglobin is important along with others so that I will stay relatively strong and not anemic.

But my hemoglobin level is quite low because it should at least be around 140 as I had surpassed that level before considering that I am not using EPO hormone injections to raise the level of hemoglobin that I have.

But I had stopped or at least lagged into taking my iron supplement i.e. Ferrous Sulfate tablets. I am now taking them with every proper meal that I eat so that maybe I can raise my level of hemoglobin.

I might also take some appetite enhancer vitamins again even though they just make me feel drowsy all the time. I really do not like taking extra vitamins because appetite enhancers are also expensive to procure considering that you have to take them regularly.

But I just have to eat and enjoy my meals because it is just not good having to treat your food a chore to finish off. That is why I would request my mother a diluted coffee so that it can help me swallow my food.

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The above photo shows the level of Potassium in my blood considering that I am eating fruits everyday. I have a normal level of potassium which is a signal that I can resume eating them. I am only having at least half a serving of fruit like Apples or Pears and the reason for it is that it prevents me from suffering from a severe case of constipation again.

I thought that my Potassium level is high lately because of the palpitations that I am experiencing lately. It could be a cause of being waterlogged or maybe because of the excitement that I was also experiencing about these recent price actions with cryptos.

Now I am happy to know about my Potassium level and my worry of having my heart to stop beating because of Potassium overload in my system is now just dissipated and fizzled out already.

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