The damage that alcohol abuse does to our bodies and our family

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


There is no doubt about the terrible damages produced by the use and abuse of alcohol in our organism, which can be often irreversible and even deadly, due to ignorance and unconsciousness.

No alcoholic beverage should be taken on an empty stomach or outside of meals because alcohol makes the tissues through which it passes shrink, which hardens them so that the blood cannot circulate to irrigate them, which causes cancerous degeneration, and cancer is not cured if it is not diagnosed in time.

Alcohol is a very harmful element that easily drags vice as a means of extinction of sorrows, in persons without sufficient character to oppose inherent setbacks or adverse situations in this life, which is more and more full of difficulties every day, and also has as a consequence personal repugnance inspired by this vice because nobody forgives voluntarily the drunkard.


The bad quality of toxic elements contained in such generalized bad alcohols produces incurable disorders in the esophagus, stomach, liver, kidneys, heart, and brain, among others, which, once initiated, precipitate the sick person more and more to the solution of the same vice, because even he is convinced of the uselessness of all weak temptations made to be able to modify it.

I have seen an individual seated on the ground in a commercial place, showing his swollen legs, declaring when he squeezed them, that the wells left by his fingers, all this was Geneva. And yet, the gin bottles have a label that says: "In old age, it retains the clarity of crystalline water, it is nectar".


In addition to the well-known health consequences, alcohol consumption causes serious social and family problems.

Alcohol also promotes risky behaviors such as traffic accidents or risky sexual practices (sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies).

By avoiding alcohol, we can live healthier lives and contribute to our family, our community, and our country.


Let's educate our children with good habits and awareness to contribute to a better world.

What about the consequences of alcohol abuse?

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