Private health insurance exists in Europe and Canada. Here’s how it works

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


Presidential hopefuls in the Democratic primary have in recent weeks found themselves facing a new litmus test: Do they want to eliminate private health insurance?

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) faced a straightforward version of this question and gave a straightforward response. “Let’s eliminate all that,” she said of private coverage.

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) faced a slightly more confusing version of this question and gave a slightly more confusing answer that indicated support for keeping certain parts of the health care system private.

An international perspective is helpful here. When you look out at the rest of the world — at the dozens of countries that run universal health care systems — you find that every universal health plan relies, in some form or another, on private insurance.


While daily headlines focus on the evolving nature of the health crisis, the cyber attack surface is expanding and threatens the future of patient care across the globe. 

Entering 2020, the healthcare industry was marred by several high-profile data breaches that stemmed from phishing attacks, ransomware, insider threats and third-party risk vulnerabilities. Then a health crisis broke out and cybercriminals intensified their efforts by tailoring attacks to exploit the chaos and fear around COVID-19. While some criminal groups pledged to cease attacks against healthcare organizations during the disruption, there is little evidence to suggest that cybercriminals collectively backed this ceasefire

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