OSF Ending Meridian Medicaid, Medicare Acceptance Next Month

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


OSF HealthCare hospitals, doctor's offices, and home care services will soon no longer accept Medicaid and Medicare patients enrolled in a Meridian-managed plan.

OSF will stop accepting patients covered under Meridian plans on Dec. 15. OSF HealthCare Senior Vice President of Population Health Randy Billings said they have worked with Meridian for months to renegotiate contract language with "acceptable provisions," but haven't been able to come to an agreement.

OSF said it will still accept Medicaid and Medicare patients under other managed plans. OSF said it will work with Meridian to ensure "safe and clinically appropriate transition of care as needed."


While no cases of measles have been recorded in Arkansas so far, residents can expect the illness to reach the state eventually. In a telebriefing yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a total of 704 cases of measles in 22 different states. According to the CDC, three bordering states: Missouri, Tennessee and Texas have reported cases.

Dr. Gary Wheeler, Chief Medical Officer for the Arkansas Department of Health, says the upcoming travel season could put some Arkansans at risk.

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