in blurthealth •  2 years ago  (edited)


Good day everyone, glory be to Almighty God who has given us the uncommon privileges to witness the day of the Lord. This happen to be my second posts, that is to say a post immediately after my introductory post. I want to use this time to appreciate those who give me a big warm welcome. People like @helloblurt, @ctime, @blurtconnect, @amicablepeace, @primeradure and others. I want to appreciate you guys and I must confess it was a great welcome.

It is a general belief if I may right that all and sundry belief in the fact that health is wealth. Therefore, before I start unveiling the amazing stuff am made up off, let’s begin with health matter. Just like have pointed out ‘health is wealth’. With this effect have come to intimate us with a very important health recipe which almost every of my readers will definitively admire. They are many things that God created and each of them have what they offer living things (both human and animal). As a matter of fact we all depend on one another for survival.

You must agree with me that nothing is useless on earth, although there is word we called ‘useless’. in real sense absolute nothing is useless. Remember another man food is another man poison. That you don’t like a particular thing that doesn’t make it valueless or useless as the case may be. As a matter of necessity, I want to convince you my amiable reader and not confuse you before I hit the hammer on the earth.

Hey! I know you are very anxious to know or read about what am writing about in particular, lol. Patiently and with understanding go to the subsequent paragraph to see the amazing thing I have for you. I must tell you you will like it.

Here comes that am ready to unveil what we are here for. Just like aforementioned healht is wealth, and what I will be dishing out is the health benefits of mustard seed. To start with, what is a mustard see? Mustard seeds are very minutes round of the various mustard plants. Mustard seed belong to the family Brassicaceae and it scientific name is Brassica nigra.
it can be found in white, brown, and black variants. It appears in the New Testament representing a symbol of faith and can serve as spices that add subtle flavour to our food and help to improve our health. With out mincing words below are the amazing benefits of mustard seed:


Good for hair strengthening
It reduces migraine
Slowing down fever in the body
Back pain removal
Highly recommend for cold treatment
Provide relief from rheumatic arthritis
Good for cancer prevention
A good treatment for blood pressure and menopause relief.
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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have just added it now, thanks for telling me this dear.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow I never the health benefit,just the spiritual benefits.