Obesity Is A Disease Which Needs To Be Taken More Seriously, Not A Person Choice!

in blurthealth •  4 years ago  (edited)

Edit - Very odd, posted this post over an hour ago, but the copy was still waiting be be posted in the create a post.
Has this happened to anyone else.

Politics is a game, some like to play the comedian, some like to use shock tactics like the one which Judith Collins from the National party used yesterday (Tuesday),

"That many Kiwis can do better when it comes to their weight.
You know what, take some personal responsibility
We all have to own up to our little weaknesses
not blame systems for personal choices."

Which tactic was Judith Collins using here, was it reverse psychology, to shock people in talking about a situation which may not be getting attention or being taken seriously, or just being plain old rude, who knows what her true tactics were here, but only her and God know the truth.

Everyone has a weakness, but where is the knowledge, help our society lacks, there is so much the system can do, but it won't so the fault lies with the system for not educating, and taking away our knowledge, so us the people need to take back the power of knowledge.

Obesity, Disease Is Not Your Fault

Obesity is a disease on so many levels which has so many obstacles, my heart goes out to those still suffering from this, I never thought I would end up on an obesity chart myself, getting to 84kgs you wouldn't think that is obesity, on the New Zealand health charts which factor in height, weight five or six years ago I found myself in the bottom part of the obesity chart, no matter what I did I just couldn't shift the weight when I exercised I was pulling muscles or injuring myself which put me off exercising. I've always struggled with food addictions, weight but on the other end of the spectrum being called anorexic.

It was a battle to shed the weight, I know that many people struggle at bigger numbers than 84kgs, I'm not trying to insult anyone, no matter what the number is everyone has a struggle on their hands as there are many factors which lead to disease.

One of my barriers was being deionized 4ish years ago with Autoimmune disease, I didn't just have one, not only that the doctors, specialists in New Zealand missed another disease, which I had been complaining about the symptoms for nine years, the poke test in the stomach by the doctors brought up nothing wrong with me, the scans, the ultrasounds missed it, even with all the pushing, I was in so much pain when they were pushing with the ultrasound tool that I thought they would break me, finding out later the hour of horror was not needed, Getting a test done somewhere else the longest part was sitting waiting in the waiting room, then waiting for the lady to come into the room once she came in it took four minutes, that was so soft with finding the issue the New Zealand doctors, specialists missed.

Picture Source

You don't need to be obese to have health issues with food, as I've said in other posts one out of twenty people in New Zealand and Australia suffer from an autoimmune disease, where is the awareness?

One out of three adults in New Zealand is obese, leaving New Zealand the third obese country in the OECD.

How much of Autoimmune disease is linked to Obesity or health issues?

Picture Source

For someone who is in government to say that it's people's personal responsibility and not blame systems for personal choices, on the morning show the poll came in at 77% people agree with Judith Collins.

Going to a psychologist for a child which had weight issues on the other end of the scale, we were told by this professional eat a muffin, when I questioned about sugar, they laughed saying it's alright to eat sugar.
So why are there other professionals which say sugar should be classed as a class A drug due to the damage and addiction it causes?

When asking the specialist and doctor in New Zealand, when being diagnosed with autoimmune disease should I change my diet, I was told no keep doing what you are doing?

If our professionals don't know how to heal, manage, how can you place responsibility back on people, it means as a society we lack the knowledge and education.

My notion was I'm eating right, if any food was harmful my government wouldn't allow it to be sold or imported into the country, once digging, researching can't remember the figure correctly, it was something like 80% it may have been higher, which I think is like 98% of products in supermarkets shouldn't be sold.

The way our kids are taught to exercise in schools is wrong, the way kids bully others for not have fancy food which kills them, the notion if we don't buy kids treats, such as lollies, cakes, soft drinks we are poor, or depriving them, which in reality we are killing them by giving them these foods.

There are so many issues which I have learned from being diagnosed I have been able to bet my first six months life expectancy which was over three years ago, I have been able to manage my autoimmune disease for now, which is PSC, UC, through living a different lifestyle, food, exercise which balance work for my own body.

It was not easy, there are so many factors, which are food, lifestyle, stress, environment, products, medications which some factors we the people have no control over, if the system does not want to accept the damage, how can people take back their power like our ancestors, which had the knowledge which they passed down.

Every little step you take, it may not seem like much it all adds up in the end, this is a slow process, some people may shed weight faster than you, focus on you it is hard, you may have setbacks, everyone is different, their body is different, it's about being able to manage, take control with knowledge, which is a power which gives you confidence.

The food we eat is one of the causes, the portions, many people don't understand what vegan is, so how can they understand something like autoimmune disease, the food we need to eat not to hurt, suffer.

I'm not a health professional, I'm a brainstorm idea solutionist, I have researched, trailed, errored what works for me, with my autoimmune disease, I'm passionate about helping others with sharing my knowledge which I have learned which has been over three years, I have researched many different doctors, self-proclaimed doctors methods, research, from around the world, with being about to speak to a couple of knowledgeable professionals. If you would like to chat with me, you can contact me here on blurt, discord, Twitter

Thank you for stopping by really appreciate it, have a fabulous Day/Evening

Disclaimer This is not intended as medical advice, I'm a novice meaning I'm not a medical professional, I enjoy researching, trailing, and testing natural as possible remedies on myself and family, I'm only sharing my own point of view from my own research and experiences, always contact a professional for advice.

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