Reproducing poverty

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

I understand life is hard and things beyond our control add to the stress but sometimes, I can't shake off the feeling that people make conscious effort to stay poor.

It is one thing to be lazy and/or nonchalant about life but it is another thing to be all that and then still make children.

I live in the low-end part of town where people barely eat. I live around a lot of poverty but for some reason, there's still a lot of reproduction going on here.

I thought it was a Nigerian thing, but after a few Google searches, I found that it is actually a world issue. People that are struggling financially generally make more children. Why? Well, There's a host of reasons that cuts across religious, economic to socio-cultural lines;

  • Religion: This one is something I see quite a lot around here. People make children and assume God will take care of the child since "Every child is a gift from God". They also forget that faith without work is death.
  • Lack of education: Also a very common thing around here. People are misinformed or totally uninformed about the importance of family planning. Some people even think family planning is wrong and would rather do it like animals, and then let Darwinism run its course.
  • Lack of contraceptives: Well, yeah this is a difficult one but in Nigeria, where contraceptives are available, I think people are just too poor to afford it. The irony is that they'd make a baby and then spend way more than they would spend if they used it.
  • Society: Outside of religion, society encourages people to make babies. In my society, people are very open about it and even pressure young couples that are just finding their feet to make babies.
  • Gender Roles: This one is one of the leading causes of poverty around here. Men are sperm donors and women are baby factories. It is an insane practise that is still going on now.
  • Child Marriages: I remember when one 16-year-old kid that hadn't finished secondary school got married in my street last year. This girl can't speak English or have any life skill but here she is getting married. People were celebrating but I was sad. Last time I saw her, she was pregnant and probably unhappy but feigning a happy face because society has put her in a box.

Rich people keep the wealth between them by marrying other rich people and poor people retain wealth by bringing more poor people to compete for scarce resources. The one that baffles me the most is when I see beggars on the street with babies. I understand that sex is sweet but surely they can see themselves and know there's a problem.

It is unfair to yourself to bring more people into this world in your condition. It is unfair to the children that you intentionally bring them into the world to suffer. It is just so damn sad.

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