The Risk of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


Dengue hemorrhagic fever is still a big health problem that must need our seriously attention for today. Millions of cases of dengue fever occurred every year around the world. According to The World Health Organization (WHO), this disease was often found in tropical countries or subtropical climates, especially the countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands, including Indonesia.

The data from the Ministry of Health on January 2019 stated that the number of dengue hemorrhagic fever sufferers was 13,683 people of 34 provinces. Among the thousands of cases, 132 patients was die. Meanwhile, the number of cases on January 2018 was 6,167, with 43 patients was die. The increasing of the cases are too high!

Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus carried by the Aedes Mosquito, especially Aedes Aegypti. If one of that mosquito bites you then you will be infected by dengue fever virus.

The Phase Dengue Fever

People with dengue fever may have no symptoms at all. Sometimes you never feel the symptoms . For example, you got fever. But there are also those who experience symptoms of severe infection that threaten their lives. Generally, patients go through three phases of dengue fever from the onset of symptoms to recovery.

The Phases of Fever

Also referred to as the febrile phase, this phase is characterized by an increase in body temperature to 40 degrees Celsius and the appearance of spots or red rashes on the skin. This high fever is usually experienced for 2-7 days and is followed by a decrease in platelet blood cells. Body temperature can suddenly drop on the third to fourth days, then suddenly rise again the next day. Biphasic fever is often accompanied by other symptoms, for example
• Throws up
• Headache
• Pain in muscles, bones and joints
• Body weakness
• Sore throat

Critical Phase

In this critical phase, dengue fever patients are often negligent and risk losing their lives. Because, in this phase the patient's body temperature decreases and the fever symptoms are no longer felt. What he didn't realize was the potential for blood plasma leakage and bleeding in the patient's body, including in the nose and teeth, which could trigger shock and put his life in danger.

Patients should be admitted to the hospital to undergo detailed monitoring and examination, especially fluids in the body. The critical phase usually occurs about seven days from the initial symptoms of fever. This phase lasts 24-48 hours. If the patient does not receive proper treatment, his condition will get worse and his life will not be saved.

Recovery Phase

In this recovery or convalescent phase, patients with dengue fever enter a recovery period that lasts 48-72 hours after the critical phase. Even though it is called the recovery phase, the patient is not completely safe. Fluid in the body must be continuously monitored so that it is not less or excess.

Patients are advised to drink lots of water and get complete rest. The patient's appetite generally improves at this stage. But the examining doctor can also give an infusion if deemed necessary to maintain the patient's condition. The patient's platelets will rise to normal limits in this phase until a full recovery.

Critical Period of Dengue Fever

A drop in body temperature after a sudden rise is one of the critical signs of dengue fever. The loss of fever is often mistaken for the patient's recovery. In fact, patients need more intensive treatment in the hospital to save their lives.

The groups that are vulnerable at a critical time in dengue fever are children. Parents who do not realize that their child is experiencing a critical period of dengue fever will feel that previously there was only a common fever. Especially if no one is being treated in the vicinity because of dengue fever.

Signs of a critical period other than the disappearance of fever include:

• Stomach pain
• Nausea
• Still feeling sluggish
• There is anxiety
• Pale

Patients with dengue fever should be hospitalized immediately when they test positive. When a fever occurs, which includes the appearance of red spots on the skin, immediately get checked out and ask for a blood test to see the platelet level according to the doctor's recommendation. This initial action will determine the patient's subsequent recovery.

Let's keep cleaning our environment

The world is too crowded with so many people and their trashes. The environment is not clean anymore. We must keep it clean by working together with authorities and children. Why do I suggest you to work with children? The government or health authorities are fully understand to manage our life. And the children are still young. They are not the adult person that understand how to keep cleaning the environment. They have everything because the parents will buy them anything they want. They don't know the risk of anything by having everything. We have to teach them to put the trashes of their food to the garbage can. The dirty environment will invite so many viruses and diseases.

Sources* : 1, 2, 3, 4.

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