Cures migraine, keeps teeth healthy! How useful is apple for good health? Learn ...

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

Tuktuke red or light yellow, sometimes a hint of green. However, apples are good for the body (Health). There is a lot of confusion among many people about whether to eat apple peel or not. However, various studies have found evidence that apples have all the good qualities.


This time Digital Desk: The fruit that has been associated with humans since the beginning of civilization is the apple. You must know the story of Adam and Eve. The relationship started with an apple bite. The beginning of the human race. At least history says so. Such a fruit cannot be underestimated. Great care is to be taken. Is that so? Tuktuke red or light yellow, sometimes a hint of green. However, apples are good for the body (Health). Apples contain a lot of fiber, which helps digestion. Eating rose apples reduces the risk of cancer. In addition, regular apple consumption reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Apples are mainly popular for their sweet taste. Apples are cultivated all over the world. The most cultivated apples are the genus Malus species. Central Asia is considered the birthplace of the apple. Take a look now ...


Migraine problems
Those who suffer from migraine should try to eat one apple every morning on an empty stomach. Cut apples on a moonlit night and keep outside. Eat in the morning. It cures various diseases like migraine and headache. Apples are rich in vitamin C. The natural antioxidants in it help to increase the body's resistance to any disease. There are more than 7500 known varieties of apples. Apples are thought to be one of the first plants to be cultivated, and its quality has improved over the years. It is believed that Alexander the Great was the first to find short varieties of apples in Kazakhstan in 328 BC, which he took to Macedonia.


Increases nerve function
Apples contain B complex vitamins. The function of this vitamin is to make red blood cells in the body. This vitamin increases the efficiency of the body's nerves. All in all it helps to keep the body well. Lots of iron in apples. So if it is cut, it becomes black. Those who suffer from anemia will benefit if they eat apple juice every day. There is a saying about apples that eat an apple a day, get a disease free life. Green apples have more quality than red apples. Although green apples do not taste as good as red apples, these apples have many benefits.


If you have a cough
Eat rose juice mixed with a little candy and red pepper in apple juice. There will be no more coughing. If the eyes are swollen, red or if there is any infection, roast the raw apple on fire and apply it on the eyes. It reduces allergies and eye problems. With age, there are various problems in the brain. Eat apples for this. Apples also help to keep the teeth healthy. Apples have a lot of fiber, it helps in digestion. Eating apples every day reduces the risk of cancer. In addition, regular apple consumption reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Keeps teeth healthy
Apples keep teeth good. Apple juice destroys harmful bacteria in your teeth. As a result, the teeth are good and the teeth are hard and strong. Green apples contain enough boron to help keep bones strong. Regular apple eating makes the bones of the body stiff and strong. Apples are rich in flavonoids and polyphenols which are the main constituents of antioxidants. And these two elements prevent the damage of DNA in our body and also help to prevent cancer.


Heart keeps well
Eating apples reduces the risk of heart disease. The fiber in apples lowers blood cholesterol levels. Lowering blood pressure. Studies have shown that eating the same amount of apples reduces the risk of stroke by 20 percent. Eating 25 grams of apples, i.e. four to five pieces of apples a day, reduces the chances of stroke by 9 percent. Helps to tone muscles in our body and reduce weight. Even gastric plays an effective role in overcoming the problem.



Advise to eat one apple every day. Because apples increase fat, many people have this misconception. In fact, apples help reduce OBCs. Apples are high in fiber and water. Studies have shown that eating a whole apple before lunch fills the stomach a lot. Eat apple juice but it won’t. You can also start the first meal of the day with apples. There are many benefits in that too. A study of about 50 overweight women found that they lost more than 1 kg in 10 weeks after eating apples. Eating other foods with the same calories and fiber that did not.

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