What happens when you play dates. Let's not know the rules and benefits of eating.

in blurthealth •  3 years ago 

All blurt friends.
Assalamu Alaikum I hope you are very well inshallah. Today I have highlighted a great thing to share with you. Many of us are ignorant about what happens when we eat dates and the benefits of dates and eating rules. So in my post you will end up reading nicely from beginning to end. Then you will understand everything. Let's see what we can get from dates and when the time is not known at all.


Dates are an nectarine fruit. Many of us are involved and familiar with dates. These dates have been our favorite food since ancient times. Which is much more nutritious than other fruits in this date. Did you know that eating dates increases a person's eyesight? Constipation eliminates the problem. Helps to reduce body weight. Helps reduce high blood pressure and solves various other problems that are especially beneficial for our health and bring special benefits to our health.

Date fruit activation delicious food. We are deprived of the health benefits that we have come to understand because we do not know exactly when and how to eat dates. If you read to the end you will understand everything.

Adding energy to the body If you can eat four to five dates regularly, the body's energy will start to increase rapidly. And eating dates will cut down our physical weakness. Dates are rich in vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, fiber, calcium, etc., which play a vital role in strengthening the bones of the body. Blessed are the days when we are busy with various tasks and we are constantly losing energy. Dates play a special role in filling all the energy losses. Eating dates is important for everyone, big or small, because it strengthens the bones because it contains calcium, potassium, magnesium and manganese, which are some of the elements that are especially effective in strengthening the body's rate.

If you want to get rid of various problems of the body, then you can eat three to four dates every day, it will help to get rid of your problems.

You can eat on an empty stomach every morning. Then you can get rid of constipation easily. If you eat this date four to five times a day on an empty stomach in the morning, your skin will benefit and the screen will be beautiful and fresh. The different types of calcium, potassium and other nutrients present in dates, especially dates are rich in calories, are especially beneficial for our health, so you can eat them. Among the various nutritious foods, dates are one of the most nutritious foods. Lastly, I would like to share with you that those who are losing weight can eat dates on an empty stomach four to five times a day. Soaking dates every night and eating dates in the morning with different nutritious foods will help you a lot.

#Thanks all #

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