How smoking affects health.

in blurthealth •  3 years ago 

All blurtfriends.
Assalamu Alaikum.
I have come up with a great topic with you today. You all know maybe because it's a common thing for everyone. Smoking is harmful to health. Many of us smoke different types of cigarettes. We will learn about the effects of smoking.
Cigarettes are a deadly disease. Most of the types of cigarettes we see in our country like Derby Cigarettes Royal Cigarettes Top Ten Cigarettes Goldleaf Cigarettes Benson Cigarettes etc. Cigarettes etc. We see in different shops and markets of our country. Goldleaf cigarettes are one of the most stringent cigarettes. All these cigarettes have a serious effect on our body. Smoking affects our body, heart, lungs and brain the most. You may be surprised to know that another thing that is sexual in our body is that it has a very harmful effect on goldleaf cigarettes. So we should refrain from smoking.
Cigarettes contain a type of toxin that is harmful to health. Everyone knows this but doesn't want to admit it. The effects of nicotine in cigarettes are deadly. Jamra can't see the inside so I can't understand the feeling because the thing about cigarettes is that it reacts very slowly in our body. Most of the people in our country smoke and that is why the youth of our country are heading towards destruction. We should get rid of the physical harm and the social harm.

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