It was always meant to be a weapon

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

At what point does someone snap out of their delusion?

Nobody can know they are deluded while they are deluded.

Nobody really wishes to look back at the time when they were deluded - and hence the brain would rather cling onto a false belief than set in motion an internal revolution.

But when such delusions are dangerous - personally dangerous - then this mental security blanket becomes itself dangerous to that person's well-being.

At what point is such a mental revolution necessary?

At what point is such a mental revolution safer than the safely-held delusion?

Now, watch this...

The technology described is essentially the same tech that powers your mobile phone and wifi and satellite dishes. With a slight change of frequencies, a slight change in pulse-rates, a slight change of focus, you could easily end up as a target.

This is not about weaponising a peaceful communications system, it is that the system itself has always meant to be a weapon. Your addiction to the un-weaponised version of wireless telephony was part of its design so that you have become defenceless to the weapon once you become its target.

Your delusion, that unseen waves cannot affect you, is now dangerous to both yourself and to others.

Under the definition of mental health used in most countries, that in itself is tantamount to a mental illness.

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