How an RNA vax can interact with your DNA

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

This is a very balanced article about the very real dangers of the coming RNA vaccines.

Will an RNA Vaccine Permanently Alter My DNA?

Notice how the online drive to eradicate any discussion has led even moderate commentators to fear for their website.

I cannot predict how this article will be censored, so please join my email list below to receive my articles and to be notified when I write a new article.

This is not science, it is a technocratic dictatorship. Thing is, this is the logical conclusion of the mass ignorance of even basic science.

There is a copy of the article here

Have RNA vaxs been adequately tested? Of course not! You are the guinea pig.

Note that what was once thought to be "junk DNA" has now been somewhat mapped as fragments of viral DNA.

Over millions of years, actively replicating retroviruses entered the human genome and through time became a stable and substantial part of the inherited genetic material. A remarkable 8% of the human genome is accounted for by endogenous retroviruses, whose biological importance has not yet been elucidated. source


Once considered unimportant "junk DNA," scientists have learned that non-coding RNA (ncRNA) -- RNA molecules that do not translate into proteins -- play a crucial role in cellular function. Mutations in ncRNA are associated with a number of conditions, such as cancer, autism, and Alzheimer's disease. source

The truth is THEY don't know how the immune system really works! Really - they don't!

"... not yet been elucidated" means we don't know!

It is entirely possible that viruses are messengers. I shall talk about this in other posts.

Also note that the prevailing disinfo posits that these genetic changes happened "millions of years" ago, with the implicit assumption that such processes do not happen now. Yet they can and they do!

So these technocratic experiments are risks taken on your life. They know enough to mess with you but not enough to undo any consequences. And that is not knowledge, that's an experiment.

With the introduction of a pathogen, there is a reaction in both the coding and non-coding genes. [...] The researchers believe that if an ncRNA molecule significantly manifests itself during infection by a particular pathogen, the pathogen has co-opted this ncRNA to help the pathogen devastate the host -- such as the human body. source

That in itself is a huge leap. They are assuming that the ncRNA acts like a fifth columnist, weakening the host cell for the glory of a viral take-over. What if it's the other way round? However, sticking to the concerns of the article mentioned at the top, you can easily see from existing literature that any RNA designed to infiltrate a human cell has a good chance that it will alter that cell's DNA. The process may be slow, it may be random, but slow random changes can be permanent.

This is your chance to learn something - to stop being a guinea pig.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

This will be a long road - with a NO ENTRY sign at the end!
The scam of the ignorant scifids and their minions has been built up over at least the last 200 years of modern science.

We desperately need a Wisdom Revolution.

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