Can You Perceive the Symptoms Electrosmog?

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

This is a screenshot taken from this video.

Professor Pall sounds deeply distressed when presenting this slide.

Let us list the symptoms he mentions:
lack of concentration/cognitive dysfunction (brain-fog)
anxiety/stress/agitation (panic)
memory dysfunction

Doctors love to ignore cause-and-effect and will gladly prescribe a wealth of toxic drugs to alleviate symptoms - none of them will cure anything, mind you. The deep problem is that most molecules in your body have more than one task, so by attempting to attenuate one symptom you may well be creating even more symptoms.

Imagine if the way to stop traffic accidents was to remove one wheel from all cars. That would work, but only because all cars are then functionally useless. You can further figure out the cascade of consequences such a "cure" would create.

The problem with convincing doctors to at least look at environmental causes, be they electromagnetic or chemical, is that they are paid to sell drugs. Very few will even discuss all the toxic vectors that make life sub-optimal for so many people.

So you will have to figure it out yourself.

The information is plentiful.

Now, the consequences of doing nothing are given in item (3) on that slide.

I predict that as our brain function deteriorates, we will see the crash of our collective brain function, leading to societal utter chaos.

Just read that again... slowly.

This is not an idle prediction but an extrapolation of what is already happening.

We are in the middle of this. Lift your gaze away from the black mirror and look around.

This is in every society that has become addicted to wireless telephony and wifi. Is the ability to play a stupid game while sitting on a train worth the slow corrosive brain damage?

As Prof. Pall further explains, some damage can be reversed but only if one notices it early and reverses behaviour.

It's all about perceptions - sensory perceptions - all 21 of them, or 33.

Why do you think dumbphones cannot be switched off? Why can you no longer change the battery?

The only way to truly switch off your dumbphone is to wrap it in aluminium foil. Wrap it properly, with no gaps, like you would wrap a gift. Do that to all your devices and then see if you can sleep more peacefully. Just do it!

Buy a separate alarm clock if you need to.

One way to totally avoid any pulsed microwave signals is to go to those places where such waves do not penetrate; this means places such as caves or stone-built houses. Assuming there are no routers, anywhere under ground will do. Water will also stop a signal, so that such water molecules oscillate before the water in your body buzzes. Actually staying underwater is more tricky unless you can hire a submarine. You can obviously check how bad reception is by taking your phone with you - don't forget some aluminium foil to then stop your own phone being the main signal source.

Peace, at last!

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