Brain Synchronization

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

Can technology support deeper human connection by directly synchronizing human brains? Research suggests that brains already sync up during social interaction. Can we amplify this? Is there a future of true technological telepathy? Dr. Michael Persinger, inventor of the God Helmet, Mandy Scott, and Brendan Lehman, will present their recent work exploring Excess Correlation, which is a measurable connection between brains, even across long distances. The Excess Correlation Project is an open source hardware platform which will allow anyone to replicate the startling and controversial findings.

The we-are-all-connected trope can become quite sterile as it is either trivially obvious, such as we are all immersed in the cosmic soup, or an expression of a belief, such as that there are deeper connections between us. The latter is often mired in metaphysics as adherents have no scientific evidence - and often don't seem to even demand any evidence as that could interfere with their beliefs.

Having said that, there are experiments that are guiding us towards yet another scientific revolution. Biology seems to be the last science stuck in a material paradigm; just look at diagrams of molecules and biological processes, or the obsession with toxic chemical interference in human pathologies. What is always left out is the electromagnetic field that is generated by structures and in which they are immersed and interact.

Electromagnetism is the key to life, the universe and everything.

The staggering ignorance of this has been planned, but the revelation that we can no longer ignore this should deliver an electric shock to people whose consciousness has not been fully entrained by synthetic fields.

All the physical manifestations of the coming human prison planet are also designed to steer attention away from the electromagnetic tyranny. This is now a technopathocracy. Understanding what is really happening is the first step to discover that there are still ways out.

Our natural connections can enslave us to synthetic fields, but they can also reveal the knowledge necessary to be free again.

You are a field of overlapping frequencies.

Now you just need to experience this.

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