Play2Earn Gaming Update - The List is Growing!

in blurtgaming •  2 years ago 


Hello Play2Earn Gamers!

Welcome to my latest Play2Earn gaming update. In the name of science gaming, I have been playing non-stop since my last update. I'm not sure if I have even left the house. Often multi-gaming, watching gaming streams til late in the night, and hustling my way to play2earn freedom. As an extra addition to my gaming activities, I am considering to take an Nvidia GeFORCE now subscription to test its gaming abilities.

My current play2earn gaming list is:

  • Rising Star
  • HashKings
  • DCrops
  • Splinterlands
  • Rollercoin
  • Crypto Shots
  • Train of the Century
  • Gods Unchained
  • Splinterforge
  • Alienworlds
  • Stardomplay NEW


  • Astral Revelations
  • Woo
  • Genesis League Soccer
  • Craft Ink
  • Dcity
  • Metropolis
  • Infernal Colesseum
  • Zombie Outbreak Survival
  • CryptoBrewmaster


At the moment, I have only got some tokens and/or NFTs for these games and some of them are not released yet.

Games on my Radar

  • Muterra
  • Flowepatch
  • Beastgarden
  • Axie Infinity
  • Green Rabbit
  • Blockchain Brawlers
  • RPlanet
  • Warsaken
  • Spider Tanks
  • Realms

Since my last update, Stardomplay has gone live and I have bought some packs from Metropolis. After watching some gaming streams on twitch, I have added Warsaken to my Radar list as I was told a few cards to buy that could earn me a "few bucks a day" which sounds pretty good.

I also added Realms as I was told this is "a good earner that just runs in the background". I will look to add it once I have taken a look. I also added Spider Tanks when I saw the post by Bulldog and it looks like an interesting game.

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As usual, I will start with Rising Star which has been running smoothly as usual. Since my last update, my fans have grown by 600, skill by 900, and luck by 420. This was not so much as last time as I needed to buy some petrol cans and could only buy one 12-pack of cards.

I have climbed 2 levels to 87 and have got a good routine down with running the missions. Usually, I start with the millionaire mission in the morning and a couple of the smaller country tour missions before running the 3 longer missions in the local gig circuit.



My Rising Star NFT collection has risen to 693 which is a good number of cards and shows some good growth. I have almost 100k STARBITS ready to buy another 12-pack of cards, so this will jump up by 36 tomorrow.

My ranking this week is 528 (523) which is a little less than last time.

If you are interested to give Rising Star a try, consider using my link here and let me know in the comments for a free crypto gift.

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HashKings has been running very steadily and my earnings of BUDS are starting to increase now.


The new staking is working great and last week I got loads of Mexican seeds. This week I need to get some seeds for my land in Afghanistan so have been staking there.

I am still looking to get some new land. There seem to be some good offers on the market. Here are the current prices with the previous week in brackets priced in Hive:

Afghanistan 8.5 (10
Afrika 29 (33)
Asia 245
Jamaica 79 (73)
South America 4.3 (5)
Mexico 4.9 (6)

The value of Hive has increased since last time and this can maybe explain the drop in some of the lands. During the weekend pump in Hive, HKWater collapsed and I managed to buy some HKWater very cheap and am now looking to sell with the price rebounding.

That's all for my HashKings update this week, so far things are running great.

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Another season has come to a close in dCrops and I had a pretty good harvest.



I managed to complete my usual amount of quests, I completed just 2 quests from 7 still and need to try and increase this.



I managed to finish around rank 187 at the end of the season which is good to be placed in the top 200 and is a big improvement over last season. I also bought some new cabbage seeds for this season so will grow more I hope.



Something important that I figured out after I bought some more fertile land was that you cannot plant any crops on a "Fertile Plot" which is not so clear and I couldn't easily find any information explaining this and the difference.

Therefore, if you want to grow crops, don't be tempted to buy the cheaper "plots" as they cannot be farmed on.

If you want to give dCrops a try, you can use my link here.

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In Splinterlands I have given a separate end-of-season update, so I won't go into too many details here.

I have decided to stay in the gold league this season as it takes me too long to get up to the diamond league and then I don't get very many chests. I will keep reviewing the situation, but I will want to be able to be in diamond much faster before I make the switch to diamond chests again.

With the new soulbound cards the rental market has also collapsed as it seems many of the bot farms are no longer profitable. This is pretty bad for renting right now but seems a good move to improve the Splinterlands eco-system and reward genuine players.

There are also many improvements being made so that people can onboard much easier using whole deck rentals and purchases using Nftyarcade which is currently still in beta.


This also looks like the place where you will be able to stake your SPS on players too. There are lots of cool developments going on in Splinterlands right now, it is an exciting time to be playing.

If you are interested to play Splinterlands, consider signing up with my link here.

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There has been no change in Rollercoin, there is still not much happening and I only log in to collect XP and recharge my rig sporadically.



Unless there is something happening, this will be the last time I include Rollercoin in my updates.

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I have not played Crypto Shots very much but have nearly completed the medium level but either run out of time or get killed when I get stuck somewhere.

The linking of WAX and HIVE is now working and using my purchased weapons is really great and has made things much easier as I don't run out of ammo anymore. I think if I wasn't so used to using a controller for playing shoot 'em up games, I would easily complete this by now.

I can't get used to the mouse and searching quickly for the 1 or 2 key when my ammo runs out.


Another problem I have is that my laptop seems to not display colors so well and quite often in the game when there are no lights in the tunnels, I can't see anything or know where to go as you can see in the picture above. This gets quite frustrating plus there is no guide map in the corner that you usually get so I can't find my way around so well.

So far, Crypto Shots is a blaster that I would like to play more of, but will need to try it on my desktop PC where I have a better display.

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Train of the Century has been running in the background for me similarly to Rising Star.



I have been slowly stacking the TOCIUM and buying the odd upgrade to my trains. I have been considering further upgrades to my trains and buying an additional train but didn't fully decide yet although I already have a few of the required NFTs already.

Something that has been annoying the hell out of me though has been the navigation on the map, especially if you visit stations close to the edge. Some parts of the screen cover the required buttons that you need to press and you can't click them. I hope this will be improved at some point.

In the meantime, there has been some development on Train of the Century. You can now apparently visit the stations and go inside some of the buildings although I didn't do this yet. My preference would be that they improve first these pop-up windows and improve the visualisation aspect of the game so that you can at least see a small train chugging towards its goal. I mean, they even had that on the Spectrum version of Railroad Tycoon that you can see here.

Whilst searching for gaming streams, I actually came across a train driving simulator stream where someone was playing a train driving simulator and it seemed very realistic. I actually said to the guy that perhaps he would want to get himself a train-driving job as it looked exactly the same and you could get paid for it. Where does the cross-over from play2earn to actually having a job start?

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In my last couple of reports, I did not make any progress on Gods Unchained but that has all changed now with me finally buying the deck that @daje10 suggested for me and playing a few games with @thecyberdexter.

I made a separate stream of my deck in action and it is great fun to play the daily play and earn and weekend ranked games. I am now coming up against some tougher opponents that can get around my deck so will need to monitor things here.


Here you can see the last 4 days that I have been playing and my earnings of around 6 GODS tokens. According to Livecoinwatch this works out at $1,66. It says my average daily earnings is now 2 GODS ($0,55) tokens which would be great to keep up.

I have now added the 10 daily games into my daily routine and started to stack these tokens. As they are on ETH layer 2, I would need to stack a few before being able to move them off due to the rip-off gas fees on ETH. JP Morgan who are big backers of ETH wants to get paid I guess.


I have also been winning many packs of cards and have been checking this on GU Forge. I think I need to forge some of these cards and then I can make some more profits. Here you can see that I have a potential $2,17 forging profit that I need to look into.

So far I am up to level 20 and will see how I get on with my Zombie deck for the next couple of weeks before looking at any potential upgrades.

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Since my last update, I have been playing a little Splinterforge and have even upgraded my hero thanks to @achim03 who has lent me some parts for my hero.


Here you can see that I now have a weapon and some armor that have then improved my Hero's attack, shield, and health score. This is of course not enough to do some serious damage to the boss yet.

So far I have earned only 258 FORGIUM tokens as I cannot climb so high in the leaderboard when my maximum damage is around 180.

It is a great idea to use your Splinterlands game assets in this new game and I am excited to see where it leads. So far, playing just a couple of rounds a day is enough for me as it can get very repetitive quickly.

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On to Alienworlds, since my last update, I had plans to buy some new mining NFTs and start earning some passive crypto income. I didn't do that yet, so hopefully, there should be an update in my next post.

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The final game update today is with Stardomplay. This is another game similar to Rising Star.


The game finally went live and we could start running the missions. There were some teething problems and it was good to check the discord group regularly to see what was happening.

So far I have reached level 8 and can run the TV Interview missions. This is a mission lasting 45 minutes and for this, you also need at least 100 fans. To get fans, I searched for some cards on the market here. They cost around 0,4 Hive each and gave me the needed boost to be able to run this mission.

This was paid for with my first withdrawal of 2166 STARDOM tokens that I sold to buy these cards. The next mission is 1 hour long and requires 250 fans, so I will also go back to the market and see if I can buy the required fan cards to run the mission once I get my next withdrawal.


So far I have earned a further 4699 STARDOM tokens and that should cover the purchase of a few more cards. Packs are quite expensive at the moment at 10k STARDOM or 5 Hive. Therefore, currently, until I earn more STARDOM, I just buy single cards if I can.


Speaking of cards, I gave some feedback to try and understand what these symbols mean?! It actually hurts my eyes looking at them! The cards do look quite basic and do not really stand out. I learned from the forum as there was nowhere written that the signs mean: Fans, Ability, Capability, and the last one is Royalty.

If you are interested to give Stardomplay a go, you can sign up with my link here.

That's all for today and thanks for reading.

Let me know what you are playing in the comments.

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Title image created by myself in Canva.

Screenshots taken from the respective games as indicated.

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Let's connect : mypathtofire

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