Nerissa Tridawn - The Tank Slayer

in blurtgaming •  2 years ago 

Hello Splinterfans!

Welcome to my entry for the Share your Battle Weekly Challenge! More details about the challenge can be found here.


This week's battle challenge is with the very powerful Nerissa Tridawn. You may have heard of The King Slayer from Game of Thrones, for me, Nerissa is the Tank Slayer. She brings some very heavy magic firepower attack to your water splinter. At level 1 this is a 3 magic attack which is more than the legendary Djinn Oshannus. With a 9 health score, she can also withstand a decent amount of attack too.

When upgraded, Nerissa Tridawn can have a 5 magic attack, combined with a magic buff summoner, Nerissa could do an incredible 6 damage on an opponent. Therefore, for those mid or large mana battles, you need to include her.


My own Nerissa Tridawn is a level 4 gold foil that gives me an impressive 4 magic attack with 10 health. A couple of rounds with Nerissa can do my opponent some real damage.

The only thing to be aware of with Nerissa is that she doesn't have any armor or void debuff that would reduce any magic attacks on her like Djinn Oshannus. It can be a hard decision whether you want a hard-hitting attack from Nerissa or you want to play more defensive but with a lower attack from Djinn Oshannus.

My Team

This is a mid-level mana battle and I have chosen the awesome Kelya Frendul as my water summoner.


Summoner/ MonsterReason
Kelya FrendulExtra shield and speed
BaakjiraSo many buffs!
Tide BiterI love this guy!
Nerissa TridawnThe Tank Slayer
Pelacor BanditSneak Attacking Legend
Hardy StonefishCannon Fodder
Torrent FiendCannon Fodder


My opponents:


The rules for the battle are:


Fire and RegretAll monsters have the return fire ability.
Holy ProtectionAll monsters have the divine shield ability.
Explosive WeaponryAll monsters have the blast ability.

Watch the Battle on Splinterlands

ROUND 1 - Nerissa Tridawn vs. Diemonshark


My plan of attack with Nerissa Tridawn was to use Baakjira as a sponge for attacks while Tidebiter and Nerissa picked off their tank. Normally I might use Deeplurker, but Nerissa can get under the attacker's shield which can be more deadly. (Plus Deeplurker has opportunity attack).

To protect Tide Biter and Nerissa from enemy snipe attack, I have put some cannon fodder that will keep them busy while Nerissa obliterates their tank!

With the divine shield protecting everyone in the first round, there are no deaths... yet! First Tidebiter gets rid of Diemonshark's divine shield while Nerissa halves his health score. His 7 shield will not help him from her attacks.

We are ready for round 2.


In round 2, with his health score only 4, Diemonshark is the first to die at the hands of The Tank Slayer with her 4 magic attack. This is followed swiftly by Igor Darkspear.

The enemy has managed to pick off both of my cannon fodder monsters leaving our wingman Pelacor Bandit at risk.

Round 3 & 4

In round 3, The Tank Slayer again does her magic, finishing off their Tide Biter who stepped into the tank position. In round 4, my Tide Biter finishes off their Pelacor Bandit while Nerissa Tridawn delivers another devastating blow to their Deeplurker leaving him with just 1 health score for the next round.


Round 5

My enemy doesn't stand a chance with my superior firepower. My tank's health is still in double figures thanks to its heal ability. I have 6 melee attack and 4 magic attack.


Pelacor Bandit with his lightening fast 7 speed, whips in and delivers the killer blow to Deeplurker to put my enemy out of his misery.


Nerissa Tridawn with her huge magic attack and strong health score is a good addition to any mid or high-mana lineup.

The dangers are of course if your opponent anticipates a magic attack. This can reduce her slaying power.

Other ways to use her are to combine her with Alric Stormbringer and Djinn Oshannus for a strong magic attack force. The magic attack on the water deck can then compete with that of the earth deck led by Obsidian.

Thanks for reading.


The title image was created in Canva with images from popoo20051 Pixabay.
Screenshots and characters are from Splinterlands.

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