League of Legends - First Impressions

in blurtgaming •  2 years ago 

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Hello Gamers,

This week I was playing around with League of Legends. I haven't played it before and thought I would share my first impressions of it.


The installation was relatively smooth and takes up a lot of space with the installation.


I started off with the introductory missions as I hadn't played this game before. There was already mention to buy the in-game tokens and I hadn't even seen the game yet. I changed the in-game language to English, but for some reason, it wasn't working.


Trying to figure out how to get started with the missions wasn't so straightforward, everything was requiring me to buy some tokens or a season pass.


Finally, I managed to get into the game and could get started. The first mission I presume was to take over the enemy from the map. The game is a strategical hack and slash-type game with lots of hacking and slashing and using various power-ups.


I engaged my first enemies and went to work hacking and slashing them.


My first major obstacle was this very deadly tower. When you got close to it, it could turn red and fire a very deadly weapon.


After some persistence, and exploring different tactics, I managed to defeat my foe and it was on to the next tower to dispose of. Slowly I was tipping the tide of battle in my favor.

Along the way, I was discovering some pretty cool power-ups and attacks that could help me on my quest. There was also a healing function to help me recover without dying. Still, there are lots more things to discover and figure out.

Some of the things I like about this game are the graphics, sound effects, and pretty smooth gameplay. The game feels quite open too, unlike say Diablo where the map is closed off and needs to be discovered.

Do you play League of Legends? Let me know in the comments.

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Title image created in Canva using clipart used under license with the free version of Canva.

Screenshots are taken from in-game League of Legends source.

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Let's connect : mypathtofire

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