Rising Stars - Newbie of Crafting Guitars and Drums

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 


To my surprise if one has plenty of Starbits and energy it does not take long to earn enough parts to craft NFTs. As I write this I have just earned chromemachinehead, silverstrings, and chromepicks. I would assume play a few more to get one guitar and I would be able to craft a NFT. The five minute per part allows me to be active in the game versus the long mission minutes.

Back down to 79th

Speaking of mission minutes I am back down to 79th and it is again due to my lack of total mission minutes accumulated over a 7 day period. I basically drop more than 2000 minutes over the course of the past few days which is not ideal but makes me aware how much more I have to play missions on in order to stay up in rankings.

My Stats and Card Collection Updates

I went on a shopping spree and accumulated a total of 400 cards in my collection. All my stats got a good size boost and specifically my Luck with over 700 points added. I hope this will help accelerate my gains in skill points as I play less music lessons but earn similar amount of skill points. This due in part the more Luck I have the more skill points potentially I can earn per music lesson. I do look forward to seeing my rank for tomorrow since I added to the collection post ranking in today's results.

With spending a bit of energy on crafting NFTs I did not gain much experience today so that is a major drawback for crafting NFTs. The gains in XP simply limited. So for today I remain at level 134.

Thanks for reading and hope everyone become a rising star!!!

If you have not started playing Rising Stars please try it out. Link in pictures below and the game is FREE once you create an Hive account.

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Good luck with crafting your first guitar!

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