How To Use Seven Network On Cell Phone, The new Multi Tool website for Blurt Blockchain by @alejos7ven

in blurtdevelopment •  2 years ago 

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Eight hours ago, I came across a post by @alejos7ven.
He showcased the new tool he developed for blurt which requires whalevault to successfully access it.

I was happy and decided to test it on my Android phone because I had an awaiting contest payment distribution for @blurtconnect-ng.

Unfortunately, I was unable to use it with my regular browser which is google chrome.
Immediately I remembered that @kamranrkploy once told me that I can install whalevault on Android KIWI BROWSER
Having improvised and succeeded, I felt it was necessary to share this idea with everyone because this tool is very amazing.
It felt so good because In one transaction, I was able to distribute different amount of blurt to different users at thesame time and with same memo.

Here are the steps to follow

  • Step 1

Download kiwi browser from Android playstore with the link below

  • Step 2

Copy and paste this url in search/tab section of your kiwi browser and press enter.

  • Step 3

Follow the arrow to add whalevault to your kiwi browser


  • Step 4

Open a new tab on your kiwi browser
And paste the @alejos7ven tool link below

The press enter.

At this stage, You have many options at your disposal.
What I did was multiple transfer and that is the option with the red arrow in the image below.


  • Step 5

Fill up the required informations which includes the recipients username and amount of rewards.
Memo section is optional, Fill it up if you have a memo to display.
Finally click on the

button at the bottom page.
Check image below for guidelines.


  • Step 6
    Confirm the transactions


  • Step 7

Transactions completed



Thank you for reading.
For further information
Please read the full post detail by @alejos7ven using the link below.

Also please kindly consider voting for my Witness account @blurtconnect-ng by clicking on the image below.


Thank you

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for reviewing this tool! I hope it is useful for you and all the community. Have a nice day

It is a very wonderful tool
Thank you very much sir for developing it

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This post has been manually upvoted by @epistem

You are invited to use the tag #epistem when posting within the niche of the community. Also, follow us on @epistem and on our Discord community to keep abreast with the activities of the community.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Quite impressive