Jots and Tittles

in blurtdallas •  2 years ago  (edited)


We need to get into some kind of Wild Esoteric Sciences, meaning your Ancestors, Dead People on the other side of the Veil of Life and Death who have passed into “the next Life”, they are now reaching on to this side. There is a kind of Gate that has been opened, and the other side is communicating with this one. This is a continuation of the “Introduction to the Light” post.

The general concept there was the Tribes, and the Demi-Gods, and then the more Ancient Giants and Titans. If we now look to where Jesus said that the Jots and Tittles were not important, this can be compared to when he said Washing your Hands and Cups will not get you into Heaven. It’s still something to learn, that is beneficial in other ways apart from entering the Kingdom of God as a singular focus. The Jots are like the Giants and the Tittles are like the Titans, this gets to Feminine and Masculine words in non-English, the Jots and Tittles are those, but in a different way. This comes from our Genes, if we want to put it in the most simple terms we can identify Atlas, Typhon and Theai, these are Genetically identifiable in some cases and we can see these as associated with Tittles, and then the Jots are the Giants aspect brought together in Hercules, so -Ry, -King, and -Ly words, so like Brujeria, or Sorcery, Masonry, then like Liking, Striking, etc, the Words get to a kind of Bee aspect, whereby we learned these Words in relation to other People, and things in Nature. We have broken this down to Grammar, and Punctuation, but there are things we aren’t getting to.

There is something whereby once we learn and implement everything we are learning, we raise Children like we always knew and they were always part of it and we never lost it, and soon we will have a highly advanced Angelic Administration ruling over a much more Advanced Earth than we can maybe even imagine right now. The Military likes the Spartan and Mjolnir, etc, Metaphors in Halo, and Halo is a kind of Alexandrian Mystery, how the Golden Compass is, and the Harry Potter Books, like a Pre-WWII or even continuation of WWII in a different way, but with the Library of Alexandria existing kind of Magic. Halo has that built in too.

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